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Showing posts from December, 2019


His Holiness Pope Francis Ahead of New year day celebrations, the head of the Roman Catholic church, His Holiness Pope Francis, releases a message of peace as the world observes the 53rd WORLD DAY OF PEACE under the theme; " PEACE AS A JOURNEY OF HOPE: DIALOGUE, RECONCILIATION AND ECOLOGICAL CONVERSION "    1. Peace, a journey of hope in the face of obstacles and trial   Peace is a great and precious value, the object of our hope and the aspiration of the entire human family. As a human attitude, our hope for peace is marked by an existential tension that makes it possible for the present, with all its difficulties, to be “lived and accepted if it leads towards a goal, if we can be sure of this goal, and if this goal is great enough to justify the effort of the journey”.[1] Hope is thus the virtue that inspires us and keeps us moving forward, even when obstacles seem insurmountable.  Our human community bears, in its memory and its flesh, the scars of e


The Cost of stopping the war could be only a Bold Point Pen of FCFA 200 and a signature but the continuous fighting has led to many displaced and humanitarian organizations involved and even in need of more aid relief materials. In just one week, between December 9 and 15, the UN Humanitarian Coordination Office in Cameroon registered over 5000 Internally Displaced Persons who fled from military invasion. President Paul Biya who has the knife and the yam to end the war has offered 100 trucks packed with relief materials such as sanitary kits, bedding equipment, and foodstuff to the internally Displaced Persons in the Northwest and Southwest regions. It comes a few days after the release of UN Humanitarian Coordination office OCHA Cameroon which sent a distress call for more financing projects. OCHA Cameroon said the conflict in Cameroon is the least funded so far in Africa. OCHA REPORTS THAT MASSIVE DISPLACEMENT IN THE NORTHWEST REGION BETWEEN DECEMBER 9-15 WA

Peace journalists in Bamenda aquaint themselves with skills on humanitarian reporting and security/safety of journalists

By Amamboh Carrey-Pride "The security of every journalist should come first for you cannot be a reporter in the grave" . This statement was  made by Fonyuy Kiven Frankline, the information officer at the United Nations for the coordination of humanitarian affairs, on December 27 2019 at Ntamulung church center hall as he trained peace journalists in Bamenda on humanitarian reporting and Security/safety of journalists. Organized by the Cameroon community media Network CCMN Northwest chapter, mr Funyuy Kiven trained the journalists present,  on the importance of always taking into consideration, your safety and security, before embarking on any mission. He mentioned for example that " in a crisis zone as the North west region, a journalist should not be part of a military convoy" .  He equally called on female journalists to prevent sexual violence on the field by putting on thicker clothes and equally knowing the customs of the society wh


The year 2020 will see a wave of celebrations in Africa among 17 countries that gained their independence in 1960. The three-year conflict between anglophone separatists and security forces has claimed more than 3,000 lives But in Cameroon, the first country in the jubilee line, the mood among many people is sour. The highly diverse central-western state was traditionally viewed as one of the most stable in Africa. But today, a combination of conflict, political tension and economic uncertainty are putting the country through one of its most wrenching periods since it decolonised from France on January 1, 1960. "We're not thinking about the 60th anniversary. We just accept it," said David Fomuso, a father of three, in an impoverished district of Douala, Cameroon's oil hub. "If there hadn't been the crisis, I would be partying right now." Two years ago, Fomuso and his family fled his village in western Cameroon where the sec


By Stephen Ojang None is perfect but we all are striving towards perfetion. We are all aspiring to be like Jesus Christ. This aspiration is a call for our soul to be filled with peace and love. Embedded with strong love that defeats hatred, she has been strengthened to overcome adversities.  From the inception of her project, the Community Impact for Africa CIfA, she was filled with courage and youthful exuberance, to lift up the downtrodden. It's therefore no doubt that her choice fell on the elderly, women and youths. As a golden fish that has no hiding place, Ngwanwi Lidwina Munting was distinguished by Young Citizens Contributing Positively, YOCICOPO for her efforts as a social worker and founder of CIfA.  Exemplary, righteous and a virtuous woman, these rare qualities of this young and dynamic young lady caught the eyes of the jury of the 4th edition of the YOCICOPO Awards. Ojslim media celebrates her today not only because of her ability to inspi


       The last NW CAMASEJ  Chapter meeting for the year 2019 took place yesterday December 13th, at the conference Hall of one of Bamenda's most prestigious BLUE PEARL HOTEL, thanks to those designated host for the month of December. Chaired by it's charismatic president Ambe Macmillan AWA, the meeting paved the way for the Exco that's been in office for just one year, to present a balance sheet of it's ACHIEVEMENTS  and  CHALLENGES  in tandem with it's vision and objectives of the year, followed by a financial statement of account alongside projects/prospects the chapter interns to execute in line with the vision of the newly elected national Bereau in 2020. Members in attendance who adopted the plan of action, were also given the floor to air their grievances, factor-in ideas that will permit the association function better as a body, as well as judge the conduct of the last EGA in Douala. After all was said, he called on the members to lay

Social Media was meant To Connect Friends, Not fight War, says Colbert Gwain

By Ndefru Melanie in Bda Some Journalists,  tagged Digital Rightists have participated In a brief work session on November 25th 2019, to express interest in bringing Youths across linguistic  and cultural  lines together, as part of the Internews Project,  the Dialogue  Now Campaign. The Rightists met for an activity within the framework of the Dignity Television Project, which has as objective to reach out to Youths and Communities, to bridge the gap and overcome the challenge face in Communication, enforcing the tolerance Syndrome.  The CEO of the Project, Dignity Television,  Mr Colbert Gwain says there is need for making good use of the internet to realise sustainable Development Goals. Highlighting the importance  of Communication  between internet users and also adressing the difficulties faced by some users communicating with those  they don't agree with.  The workshop served as a clarion call for users to carefully choose what to

Population Urged to Work In Synergy with Hysacam to Secure A Clean Environment

By Ndefru Melanie in Bda The Management of Hysacam has embarked on a clean up campaign exercise on November 24th 2019 after some irregularity due to the prevailing situation in the city of Bamenda. The Exercise dubbed "Operation Keep Bamenda Clean" , calls on the people of Bamenda to cooperate in the sanitation aspects of the city, as the Director of Hysacam Mr Zaumu Joseph tells the Press that 2019 has been a year filled with challenges.  Many people In Bamenda have encountered difficulties coping with the odour oozing from the heap of dirt, piled at major junctions within the town and traders selling around the refuse dump or trash cans confirm that they have had health challenges. Though a refuse dump, it was a habitat for some mental people within the town.  Some of the traders around the Nkwen market cried foul about the challenges they faced due to the pile of dirt around their market place, which had occupied a good space creating


By Stephen Ojang The Senior Divisional Officer for Menchum Division, Abdoullahi Aliou, has reinstated the clean up campaigns in order to salvage the battered image of villages and towns in Menchum Division. This move is contained in a circular addressed to traditional rulers, Ardos, quarter heads, religious leaders, youths and vigilante groups as well as the entire population. The circular that was signed on December 12th 2019, was handwritten, as a result of the more than six months blackout that this division has witnessed. The clean up campaign consists of cleaning premises, villages and communities which have become bushy and dirty, thereby affecting the beautiful environment and the health of the population. The move has been seen as a positive step towards consolidating the peace and harmony that the population are gradually enjoying. This consolidation can only be effective in a clean environment since a healthy body can only live in a healthy environment.

International Human Rights Day: Make Life Worth Living By Not Trampling on Another s Human Rights( Women, Men, on my mind).

By Rose Obah. Human rights exist for us all. So how can we make use of them? It is clear that their mere existence is not enough to put an end to human rights violations, since we all know that these are committed everyday, in every part of the globe. So can they really make a difference? How can we use them? Human rights are not boundless and exerting your rights should not impinge on other's enjoyment of their rights. However, we need to be vigilant so that ‘protection of the human rights of others' is not just an empty excuse for imposing limitations. An active civil society and independent judiciary is important in monitoring such cases. No-one can be denied their human rights and dignity on the grounds of tradition and culture, not least because traditions and cultures are not written in stone: they change and evolve; what was often true twenty years ago, does not make sense to today's generation. Harmful traditional practices are also a reminder that

International Anti-Corruption Day: Communities Be Watchdogs To Reduce Opportunities for Corruption.

  BY Rose Obah Corruption is one of the biggest threat to the well-being of a society. Corruption degrades the quality of the services and also ruins the life of the common man. Corruption has fierce impacts on economic and societal development and is subject to a vast range of institutional, jurisdictional, societal, and economic conditions. Many countries in the world are affected by this problem called corruption. Unlike developed countries, corruption is at a high rate in developing countries and its causes  are many and quite complex that even  the promises of  political parties to eradicate corruption is not easy. Corruption is primarily seen in instances like jobs, businesses, promotions, election campaigns, sports among others. First of all, Bribery is the most common method of Corruption. Bribery involves the improper use of favours and gifts in exchange for personal gain. Furthermore, the types of favours are diverse. Above all, the favours include money, gifts, com


          University of Buea /  Archives The 2019 graduation ceremony of the University of Buea ,UB, will take place on Friday, December 13 and not Saturday, December 14, 2019 as had been previously announced. The change of date is in a bid to avoid a clash with the funeral of the late Mayor of Buea, Ekema Patrick Esunge scheduled for Saturday, December 14, 2019. Prof. Ernest Molua, Registrar of the University of Buea had on November 29, 2019 announced that the 2019 Convocation will take place on December 14, 2019 in the Herbert Nganjo Endeley Open-Air Amphitheatre as from 9:00 a.m. At the time, the funeral programme for late Mayor Ekema, who died on October 27, 2019, had not been fixed. With the burial approved for December 14, 2019by the Presidency of the Republic, the University of Buea had to bow to superior authority. The Head of State is expected to be represented at the said funeral. UB’s Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Internal Control and Evaluat

Cameroon: Anglophone crisis;More required for IDPs in dire need of Humanitarian Assistance.

Some of the items given IDPs in Bamenda /  Facebook Some 1,000 households of internally displace persons, IDPs, and their host communities are presently engaged in subsistence activities in the Southwest and Northwest Regions, supported by the United Nations’ agencies. But that is just 1,000 households (2%) out of the more than 50,000 persons targeted. The project, which consists of egg and broiler production, with the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund, UNCERF as donor, involves 584 IPD households and 416 host community households, in intervention zones in Fako, Meme and Manyu Divisions in the Southwest Region and Mezam Division in the Northwest Region. The project is aimed at improving “the food security of IDPs and their host communities in the Northwest and Southwest following the Anglophone Crisis,” states documentation from the Food and Agricultural Organisation, FAO, of the United Nations. Through the project, the food security of IDPs and their


        Akumbom Elvis /  W. Musa Exactly one year after he was released from detention, journalist Akumbom Elvis McCarthy took to Facebook Wednesday, December 4, 2019 to recount his ordeal throughout the 10 months he spent behind bars. Titled “One Year after My Release from Prison” , Akumbom writes that he spent about 10 months in detention for filming “the Cameroon military brutalising occupants of a taxi at Sonac Street Bamenda”. Arrested on March 20, 2018, Akumbom revealed that he was first taken to the Traffic Police Post at Ntarinkon and termed “Ambazonie”. By 9:00 p.m. that fateful day, he was transferred to the Bamenda Judicial Police after what he terms “serious brutalisation”. Hear him: “I spent a month on the floor at judicial police Bamenda going through hell as I was charged with secession, fake news, rebellion against the state, and propagation of false news against the military. Though with my ID Card in hand, I was charged for non-possession of I