The Global Initiative for Digital Inclusion and Communication (GIDICOM) has trained some Bamenda base journalists and CSO members under the umbrella of the Cameroon Community Media Network on Digital Literacy, particularly , information verification and Online advocacy. The training saw the participants trained and encouraged to be Up standers and not By standers, encouraging them to put in their best to fight Fake News where ever they see it on the different META platforms (Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and others). This participant and CCMN member, Pechuqui Laurata, says ”I have better understood information verification, getting to know that it is , not as tedious and time consuming as one may think . A lso , advocacy is not necessarily to be done by very big organizations alone, as an individual , I can start a harsh-tag and have my friends and I change something in our community…” To the coordinator of GIDICOM Miss Pedmia Shatu, she...
We are committed in building our community through responsible communication.