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By Stephen Ojang The Senior Divisional Officer for Menchum Division, Abdoullahi Aliou, has reinstated the clean up campaigns in order to salvage the battered image of villages and towns in Menchum Division. This move is contained in a circular addressed to traditional rulers, Ardos, quarter heads, religious leaders, youths and vigilante groups as well as the entire population. The circular that was signed on December 12th 2019, was handwritten, as a result of the more than six months blackout that this division has witnessed. The clean up campaign consists of cleaning premises, villages and communities which have become bushy and dirty, thereby affecting the beautiful environment and the health of the population. The move has been seen as a positive step towards consolidating the peace and harmony that the population are gradually enjoying. This consolidation can only be effective in a clean environment since a healthy body can only live in a healthy environment.


Governors of the ten regions of Cameroon begin meeting today in Yaounde under for their bi-annual conference which runs from November 25-26. The conference that takes place at the Yaounde City Council Hall will be presided over by the Minister of Territorial Admnistration Paul Atanga Nji. The governors are expected to discuss the security situation in the country as well as the upcoming Municipal and Legislative elections scheduled to hold on February 9. The governors will discuss measures to be taken to ensure the electoral exercise goes on smoothly in their varous regionsand how they could help the elections-management body Elecam with administrative support.

SECURITY: Interior Minister Atanga Nji Paul Forbids Bike Riders From Carrying More than One Person In The NWR

By Martial Gnoukapasi in Bamenda Interior minister Atanga Nji facing the press after meeting At the security evaluation meeting of thursday November 7th at the governors office, which came a day after what minister Atanga Nji Paul termed  " a successful celebration of the 37th anniversary of president Paul Biya's ascension to the office of supreme magistracy in Cameroon",  the interior boss, was also very Frank and categorical on the decision which will require commercial bike riders in Bamenda city and beyond to carry in the days ahead, not more than one person at a go on their bikes.  Flanked by North West governor adolph Lele L'afrique, SDO's, other administrative and security bigwigs of the region, the minister after listening to security reports presented by the aforementioned said, it was  time to implement the decision, giving that the 9 plus extra 3 months of grace required by the bike riders syndicate to install sanity

Security Evaluation of South West: Minister Atanga Nji gives directives

The Governor of the South West regions has received the congratulations of the Minister of Territorial Administration for law enforcement in the region. Minister Paul Atanga Nji transmitted the appreciation during a security evaluation meeting held this Friday, 1st November 2019 in the Region. During the meeting attended by Administrative and security officers of the region, the Governor outlined measures that have been put in place to ensure security. He said calm is gradually returning to the South West regional capital and populations are increasingly going about their businesses normally. The Minister saluted the growing collaboration between the local population and the forces of law and Order. The Minister also extended the encouragement of the President of the Republic for the strides made to check attacks on defence and security personnel, members of the population and their property. The Minister urged all the parties to remain vigilant and co


Mr Kamga Charles was born on the twelfth of September nineteen sixty (12/09/1960) in DJIOMGHUO (Poumougne). He attended primary school in BANDJOUN, obtaining the CEPE in nineteen seventy-four (1974). He then proceeded for Secondary Education to C.E.S. de Bafoussam and Lycée Technique de Yaoundé obtaining the BEPC, Probatoire and Baccalauréat Certificates in nineteen seventy-six (1976), nineteen seventy-eight (1978) and nineteen seventy-nine (1979) respectively.  After obtaining his Baccalauréat Certificate, Mr. KAMGA Charles embraced higher Education and obtained the Probatoire du Diplôme d’Etudes Comptables Supérieures in nineteen eighty-three (1983). He further obtained from the University of Yaoundé in nineteen eighty-four (1984), a Bachelors Degree and a Post Graduate Diploma both in Economics. In the same year, he gained admission into cycle “A” of ENAM from where he graduated as an Administrative Officer in the year nineteen eighty-six (1986). He was posted to the Mini

Kamga Charles Hands-over Menchum Division to Abdoulahi Aliou & moves to other duties

Governor Lele Lafrique reading the installation speech Menchum Division now has a new SDO. Abdoulahi Aliou, on Wednesday October 16th 2019 , took over command from Kamga Charles. The installation cum handing over ceremony was presided at by the North West regional Governor, Mr. Lele Lafrique Tchoffo Deben Adolphe.  One of the major administrative changes that took place in the North West and South West regions after the holding of the Major National Dialogue in Yaoundé from October 1st to the 5th 2019, ordered by the Head of State to address the ongoing Anglophone Crisis and other issues of national concern and which ended with a resolution to grant special statues to these two regions was a presidential decree No. 2019/536 of 07 October 2019 appointing S.D.Os across the national territory. From the appointments, Abdoulahi Aliou, previously Divisional Officer (D.O) of Nkong-Ni was promoted to the rank of Senior Divisional Officer for Menchum Division in replacement of  Ka