The last NW CAMASEJ Chapter meeting for the year 2019 took place yesterday December 13th, at the conference Hall of one of Bamenda's most prestigious BLUE PEARL HOTEL, thanks to those designated host for the month of December.
Chaired by it's charismatic president Ambe Macmillan AWA, the meeting paved the way for the Exco that's been in office for just one year, to present a balance sheet of it's ACHIEVEMENTS and CHALLENGES in tandem with it's vision and objectives of the year, followed by a financial statement of account alongside projects/prospects the chapter interns to execute in line with the vision of the newly elected national Bereau in 2020.
Members in attendance who adopted the plan of action, were also given the floor to air their grievances, factor-in ideas that will permit the association function better as a body, as well as judge the conduct of the last EGA in Douala.
After all was said, he called on the members to lay to rest the differences generated by the election fever in Douala and give their maximum support to the new national Bereau. Saluting the efforts of our two national representatives, he cautioned them to be result oriented at the national level and do all to give the practice of Journalism, a good face lift in Cameroon.
He equally saluted the bravery of NW Media practitioners who all, despite the socio-political unrest still managed to discharge their duties to the admiration of the region and beyond.
CAMASEJ NW Chapter for 2019, was able to fish more than 20 new members, engaged in partnership deals with major tourism and health institutions, which benefited it's members and the profession.
Organized training workshops with the aid of partner associations thanks to a Mmemorandum of Understating, MoU with over 4 major journalism associations/union, during a conclave organized in Bamenda this year.
Successfully managed a thrift and saving scheme that benefited it members.
Carried out off and online campaigns on the liberation, jailed and assaulted colleagues. Campaigns that also promoted freedom of speech, spelling out the role of media in society, to name but a few.
*CAMASEJ NW is seizing this opportunity to extend a Merry Christmas, a prosperous & happy New Year to journalists in Cameroon in Advance....