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CSOs to Enhance Community Protection from Sexual Exploitation/Abuse.

By Rosaline Obah and Weyih Blessing.

Over 16 participants including stakeholders from Cameroon Community Media Network (CCMN), Grace Vision (GV), and Grace Chin Foundation (GCF), attended a two-day capacity building workshop in Bamenda, organized by the Society for the Promotion of Initiatives in Sustainable Development and Welfare (SOPISDEW) Cameroon.

The workshop which took place on the 16th and 17th of Octobers 2020 was held to better equip SOPISDEW’s team and implementing partners with skills and competencies for the implementation of a project titled Enhancing Community Communication for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (ECC-PSEA). PSEA is a key global concern recognized by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) and has been prioritized within efforts to prevent and respond to these abuses at both the agency level and through collective efforts in the field. 

The project is benefitting from the 2020 Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Outreach Fund implemented by UNHCR and ICVA, awarded to CSOs in crisis impacted parts of the globe; more specifically within the context of the NW-SW Humanitarian Response.

SOPISDEW is engaging with the CBO partners like CCMN, GV, and GCF to expand information and awareness about PSEA and reporting channels in the Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon through activities that incorporate robust community consultation.

These implementing partners came together to design a common and harmonized strategy as a prerequisite for joint implementation of the project with SOPISDEW as the lead implementing organization.

Amongst the so many key presentations that were made by the project consultant-Mr. Honore Fon were, Project Management Standard and Ethics, Situational Analysis, Environmental Scan, PESTEL analysis and SWOT analysis and detailed communication Strategy. These presentations went a long way in broadening the minds of the participant as far as the implementation of this project is concerned. To this effect, the project team and partners expressed their readiness to engage with the communities and other stakeholders to support the community based information and awareness on PSEA as a strategy to strengthen/reinforce the humanitarian response.

Reacting after the workshop, the National Coordinator of the CCMN highlighted the relevance of the project within the context of community based humanitarian reporting and promised to engage members of her network to relay the contents that will be delivered by this project.

According to the other stakeholders like GV and GCF, this project will serve as a springboard to expand their ongoing activities related to SGBV within the humanitarian context while engaging with other members of the Protection Clusters. They equally promised their full engagement in to this project for it to be a success. In a final remark, the Executive Director of SOPISDEW Cameroon and team leader Mr Tah Kennette Konsum pledged a collaborative spirit and promised to provide adequate and timely resources for the project team and partners to ensure the smooth implementation of this project for the interest of the beneficiaries


Great innovative there.
Kudos to the team.
Nice write-up .

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