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Showing posts from November, 2020
Some 15 adolescent girls and young women have been drilled on using their voices to advocate for the inclusion of Adolescent Girls and Young Women AGYW in decision making processes especially within The Global Fund Processes for HIV/AIDS and Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights SRHR services provision.  This was during a workshop within the 'Her Voice Matters: Give Her the Space to Fight Project',  executed by COMAGEND Cameroon which is funded by Her Voice Fund and its partners that took place on November 26th 2020 in Bamenda. The Strategic Planning Workshop, was declared open by the Country lead for the 'Her Voice Funds' Mme Waah Clotilda the founder/CEO of the Center for Advocacy in Gender and Development CAGEAD.  Speaking during the event she notes that, " many adolescent girls and young women live through very hard situations because of the decisions taken on their behalf, and so it is very important that these girls understand what happens to them and be part

CESCOMPSUD Reaches Out To Local Business Owners With COVID-19 Kits.

Some 27 men and women at the Bamenda-food market North West Region of Cameroon have received facemasks to help protect themselves the against the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in their communities. This was a gesture from the Centre for Strategic Communication, Peacebuilding and Sustainable Development known as CESCOMPSUD through their Executive Director Mrs Rosaline Obah represented at this activity by one of the Center's Volunteers, Pechuqui Laurata. According to the Executive Director of CESCOMPSUD, traders are most at risk of being infected by the virus , since they come in contact with different sets of people on daily basis. "It doesn't only end there, t rader more often render public services to hundreds of customers daily who come to buy food commodity and other household items. In the process of these transactions, they have to deal with communicating with this number or persons and usually will surely have saliva come out of their mouths while in conversa

Cohort 3 AFF Fellows- DefyHateNow Set To Move Out of Comfort Zones.

Fellows of the Cohort 3 Africa Fact-checking Fellowship (AFF) Cameroon made up of journalists and bloggers have been challenged to move out of their comfort zones and be of veritable service towards a Hate-free Cameroon. This was at the end of a two-day “Discovery,” session in Douala November 20 -21, 2020. While baptizing the 3rd batch  at the end of the session, the Country Director of DefyHateNow, Desmond Ngala, remains hopeful that the media professionals will dare to be different after embracing professional skills  that will enhance their reporting and also ensure a hate-free society.  Desmond Ngala went further to encourage the Fellows to work together on issues around fact-checking, misinformation, disinformation, mal-information and hate speech, concerns  which according to him, are timely especially with the effects they have had on the escalating nature of the crisis especially in the two English speaking regions of the country that has affected virtually all other parts of

GIDICom launches #HateFreeAbakwa with the forgotten Peacebuilders, women with disabilities.

Global Initiative for Digital inclusion and Communication GIDICom, has launched its 4months Campaign dubbed #HateFreeAbakwa. #HateFreeAbakwa Project, seeks to engage youths, CSOs, community leaders, persons living with disabilities, journalists and bloggers, to counteract #fakenews, mitigate Hatespeech, disinformation and misinformation online and offline while ensuring information verification before Sharing. The project is intended to engage each an everyone to take actions that will bring about relevant content online and offline. The launch began with women living with disabilities on the theme " Enhancing the capabilities of women living with disabilities on Peace building". During the training, the women were schooled on their active role in Peace building processes.  Mr. Tah Kennette of SOPISDEW who was the lone trainer for the session, reiterated that these women are not different from other women living without any form of disabilities so they have a role to play i
Over 30 journalists of the Cameroon Community media network(CCMN), have converged on the premises of City FM in Ntarinkon, on  Tuesday November 17 for their regular network meeting aimed at evaluating the way gone and better plan for the way forward.  Organized under the distinguish patronage of the North West  Regional Coordinator for CCMN Madam Rosaline Akah Obah, the meeting saw the presentation of situational analysis of the past and present status quo of the region as well as  map out plans for pending projects to be executed in the coming year.  This is not the first time members of the Cameroon Community Media Network are meeting under a common platform to discuss on the way forward,  as they earlier had a similar meeting in the month of August 2020. However, the meeting that took place recently, was different as it embraced a new dynamic, following another project launched by an organization known as Society for the Promotion of Initiatives in Sustainable Development and Welfar


Some members of the Cameroon Community Media Network CCMN, have rounded up a two-day capacity building workshop on the concept of Protection against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, PSEA. The training which brought onboard Civil Society Organizations CSOs, and government stakeholders involved in PSEA, was organized by Society for the Promotion of Initiative for Sustainable Develipment and Welfare SOPISDEW, a local NGO. The project dubbed Enhancing Communities Communication on Protection against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse ECC-PSEA has CCMN as technical partner, and shall in the next couple of weeks produce and disseminate media content to curb sexual violence in the NW/SW communities. This project is aimed amid growing concerns, to promote effective and principled humanitarian action through civil society and community based initiatives within the context of the NW-SW crisis. During the workshop, the lead resource person and National Coordinator of the Cameroon Community Media Network


Christians of the Presbyterian Church in Cameron, in Menchum Presbytery, and at PC Naikom in particular, have celebrated the 63rd PCC day in pump and pageantry, and in full respect of COVID-19 measures as social distance was respected, as well as the wearing of face mask and washing of hands before getting into the church.  Celebrated under the theme Keep Watching, and   drawn from the book of 1 Corinthians 16:13 Be alert, stand firm in the faith, be brave, be strong the celebration gave an opportunity for the man of God, Rev. Avo Martin in his sermon, to call on the Christians to be awake and to keep watching especially at a time when out country is going through turbulence, and no one seems to know where to go. He also used the opportunity, to call for consistent prayers for the return of peace while praying for the repose of the souls of the children massacred in Kumba and Ngarbuh. "Christians must be ready at all time. you must have the Courage, be faithful, prayerful and have


Organizations and partners under the Civil Peace Service (CPS) Cameroon and Bread for the World (BftW) have been given the mandate to intensify peace work in crisis context. This was the outcome of their annual meeting held in Kribi from 2nd to 4th November 2020. Organized by the CPS Cameroon and BftW team, the meeting brought together over 20 organizations working in the domain of peace and sustainable development. In an opening devotion from Psalms 133, the Rev. Ngando Paul and Njoya Hassan, called on the peacebuilders, to live in the unity of Christ. The over 35 participants used the occasion to observe a minute of silence in memory of the children who lost their lives in Kumba. In times like these, the two servants of God encouraged the partners to be determined in the work of peace as they represent the light and hope of Christ in the world. While encouraging the CPS Cameroon partners, the BftW team in different voices, saluted the efforts of the different organizations in various