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Socio-political issues in and about the Anglophone region of Cameroon have been a matter of contention throughout the post-colonial period. Political protests intensified in 2016. After months of protests against perceived marginalization, violence erupted in North-West and South-West prompting security clampdowns. With the proliferation of non-state armed increased insecurity, violence and loss of life have forced thousands of families to flee their homes. Many civilians have been killed and displacement continues to have serious consequences on livelihoods and living conditions of the affected populations.


Vulnerability has been further compounded by limited access to food since the most women don’t longer have access to their farms. The majority of the displaced are women and children. Food, shelter and civilian protection are the principal humanitarian needs, although across all sectors needs are high. Many of the conflict-affected people are growing more vulnerable as the violence persists and humanitarian assistance remains inadequate.


It is within this backdrop that the Courtyard Friends Association (COYAFA), has delivered emergency relief services in order to help people address immediate basic needs of women residing at Courtyard in Wum, Menchum Division of the North-West Region of Cameroon.


Led by Kangkolo Frank Che, the Courtyard Friends Association (COYAFA), made up of Mua korine and Nchia Emmanuel, was bearer of food items such as Rice, vegetable oil, Maggi cube and Savon.


 “This gesture is all about recognizing that hunger does not occur in a vacuum. It means we must concentrate time, resources and efforts on the most vulnerable in our society. It implies not just emergency interventions, but tailored, multi-year support programmes designed to lift a whole quarter’s nutritional indicators. We balance the urgency to alleviate hunger here and now with the broader objective of ending hunger once and for all. Food assistance has become part of our policy that advances social wellbeing in general. In line with the Sustainable Development Goals, and in particular with Goal 2, we consider the quality as well as the quantity of food, with the emphasis on its nutritious character and seasonality. Crucially, food assistance enlists beneficiaries as actors: it gives them a voice, and, wherever possible, a choice in what food they receive and how they receive it.” Kangkolo Frank Che.


Receiving the gifts, the ladies were incredibly for such a relief from their children. This first project of COYAFA is dubbed “OPERATION MAMI MUST CHOP.”


The Courtyard Friends Association (COYAFA) was created in 2018. The association is made up of children who grew up in Wum in general, and courtyard in particular. The association is apolitical and has as main objective, to bring unity and peace back to Wum and the world at large. It also aims at assisting the needy and their members, support their members during happy and sad moments.


The initiative to share some food items to our mothers at courtyard Wum, as the first project of the association. The team leader has promised to extend this largesse to other parts of the town in the nearest future.



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