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Network for Solidarity, Empowerment and Transformation for All trains over 50 Cameroonian Journalists on the Media, Peace and Election.

By Pedmia Shatu Tita Family Photograph This National Journalist training is organized by NewSETA on the theme: Media Peace and Election to run from today October 22 in Yaounde, at Yaahot Hotel. The workshop pulls together over 50 Journalists from different Media organs across the National territory to fine tune their capacities on Peace and Election reporting. For a week, these media experts will treat issues around Data journalism and fact checking, Ethics in Journalism, cardinal principles for a journalist, practical case studies practicing Ethics in Journalism, the stakes and challenges of fair reporting, Media and Elections, Digital Security and big data, Regulating hate speech and fake news, Corruption in the present today and perspectives on remedies, investigating corruption in dangerous contexts, Peace journalism and Assessing the role of the press in consolidating democracy in Cameroon. Group work session Opening today’s session, Ateki Seta Caxton reminded

BAMENDA BLEEDS AGAIN as a Police is beheaded.

To Cameroon Women For Peace Ambassador Maybelle Boma My heart bleeds because people who can speak the truth will tell you how calm and quiet Polycarp Ngwana was. He loved his children so much such that, despite the instability in Bamenda, he refused sending his children to go and school with their mom in Yaounde .A man who always wanted his children beside him. Yesterday October 19th, all the children fell ill, as if to say they felt this was going to happen . He took the children to the hospital, got them consulted and bought drugs as that was the prayer of the wife as she was worried how the man will manage with the children and work if they were instead admitted. He left the house later this afternoon for his tribal meeting. At about 6:30pm after struggling to reach to him to find out the health situation of the kids to no avail, the wife decided to reach the children directly who told her that daddy was not yet home and there was serious gunshots around

Fighting Pediatric AIDS : An International organization offers innovative diagnostic tools

The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, EGPAF has offered the “Point-of Care- Early Infant Diagnosis- POC EID ” platforms to the Ministry of Public Health. Halim Hayatou, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Public Health received the equipments which facilitates the diagnosis of Pediatric AIDS. The EGPAF officials say “POC EID allows non-specialized healthcare workers to run tests in decentralized clinics and can return results within hours”. This life-saving milestone equally permits HIV positive tested children to be placed on treatment early enough. According to Pediatric AIDS experts , early diagnosis and treatment gives infected children the same survival chances as healthy children. Dr. John Ditenemena , country Director of EGPAF adds that, ” Pediatric HIV is aggressive and progresses rapidly. Time is never in the side of an HIV exposed infant, and testing and initiating HIV positive infants on treatment rapidly gives them the best chance to

Fighting Breast Cancer: Social Media Echoes the Fight

October is here again, a month dedicated to breast cancer awareness and the campaign is pretty viral on social media . Hashtags like #PinkOctober, #ChokeBreastCancer, #BreastCancerAwareness, #EarlyDetectionSavesLives, etc are flooding the internet to spread the message. Breast cancer survivors and warriors have taken to Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to sensitise the public on preventing and treating the disease. Their posts on social media include pictures and articles on the subject. Some Non-Governmental Organisations on their part are using the social media to announce awareness walks and other sensitisation events on breast cancer.  Some warriors and organisations have also used social media to call on their followers to dress in pink as part of raising awareness. Games especially charades have also sprung up online where women post a colour on their status without any explanation as part the awareness campaign against cancer of the b


Freedom of Expression Ahmed Mansoor — known as the last human rights defender in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) before he was detained in March 2017 — is facing a 10-year jail sentence for speaking out on social media about human rights violations in his country. He is being held in solitary confinement, with no bed or running water, and has faced beatings and other forms of abuse. He is currently protesting these conditions through a hunger strike, still fighting in whatever ways he can for fundamental rights. On October 22, Ahmed will spend his 50th birthday behind bars, but we are letting him know he is not alone. Here’s how you can help: Sign Ahmed’s birthday card. Access Now and our partners around the world are gathering messages of support for Ahmed. You can send your note on this page, and we’ll present them at the UAE embassy for delivery. You can also share your #BirthdayWishes4Ahmed on social media. Tell the UAE government to #FreeA


Cross section of some of the victims of the recent fulani attacks in Wum         At the dusk of the gruesome murder of Ikom Polycarp Bah, an ex-Amazonian fighter who publicly denounced separatists' activities during the installation ceremony of the 33rd S.D.O for Menchum, the elected officials of the Division, irrespective of their political backgrounds, gathered at the Wum town hall under the chairmanship of Dighambong Anthony Mvo, Lord Mayor of Wum Council, to look into each other's eyes, breath out the truth, preach peace, seek forgiveness and heal their soul, for an effective take off of normalcy in activities.         For over five hours, the Mbororos, the Hausas and the Natives, sought a common ground to anchor the peace crusade. The approach has been to tell the truth and nothing but the truth by denouncing the perpetrators of such hideous acts as they are known by all, yet let to go about freer than the ordinary citizens who are only yearning for peace.


Mr Kamga Charles was born on the twelfth of September nineteen sixty (12/09/1960) in DJIOMGHUO (Poumougne). He attended primary school in BANDJOUN, obtaining the CEPE in nineteen seventy-four (1974). He then proceeded for Secondary Education to C.E.S. de Bafoussam and Lycée Technique de Yaoundé obtaining the BEPC, Probatoire and Baccalauréat Certificates in nineteen seventy-six (1976), nineteen seventy-eight (1978) and nineteen seventy-nine (1979) respectively.  After obtaining his Baccalauréat Certificate, Mr. KAMGA Charles embraced higher Education and obtained the Probatoire du Diplôme d’Etudes Comptables Supérieures in nineteen eighty-three (1983). He further obtained from the University of Yaoundé in nineteen eighty-four (1984), a Bachelors Degree and a Post Graduate Diploma both in Economics. In the same year, he gained admission into cycle “A” of ENAM from where he graduated as an Administrative Officer in the year nineteen eighty-six (1986). He was posted to the Mini