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By Stephen Ojang Councillors of the Wum Council have braved the odds and broken the even to examine, scrutinize, vote and adopt the 2020 Budget for the Wum Council. Charged with the power to transform their various constituencies, these councilors have adopted the 2020 budget that balances in revenue and Expenditure at the sum of Nine hundred and thirty five million, three hundred and thirty thousand (935,330.000) Francs CFA, this represents an increase of 16.2% of the Budget for 2019. The Investment Budget is Five hundred and seventy four million, One hundred   and Ninety two thousand, seven hundred and sixty seven   (574,192,767) francs CFA, giving a percentage of 61.4% which is more than the stipulated minimum amount of at least 40% of the total Budget.   The operating or functional expenses stand at Three hundred and sixty one million, one hundred and thirty seven thousand two hundred and thirty three (361.137.233) Francs that is 38.6% which is less t...

Insecurity in NW Hits Bamenda Regional Hospital Blood Bank

By Maikem Emmanuela Manzie Blood bank – Bamenda Regional Hospital The situation has become more complicated as the safe donor population especially youths have migrated to safe areas due to crisis leaving the blood bank in this desperate situation. Officials of the Bamenda Regional Hospital have decried that the increasing challenges is leaving the blood bank empty. In 2018, the Regional Hospital Bamenda proudly announced the emergency response management scheme, to address the growing number of emergency cases in the North West Region of Cameroon – But there is another lurking problem today is that the scheme is unable to sustain itself due to an empty blood bank. Sources at the regional hospital have revealed that since 2018 till date, the demand for blood transfusion has increased tremendously because many categories of patients need blood including those referred from hemodialysis centers from the Southwest region, pregnant women with hemorrhage and sickle ce...


By Amamboh Carrey-Pride in Bamenda. Patients at the Northwest regional hospital Bamenda have expressed their worries concerning the high prices of  diabetes drugs in the hospital .This was one of the major problems posed by diabetes patients at the regional hospital Bamenda as they joined the world yesterday Nov 14 2019 to commemorate the world diabetes day.the world diabetes day is an annual event observed ever 14 Nov with the aim of creating awareness and sensitising the public about diabetes . This years edition was celebrated under the theme "protect your family" .diabetes is a condition in  which a person has an elevated blood sugar ,that is  the body is unable to process sugar  normally, thus causing sugar to circulate,leading to an increase in sugar level in the blood. Speaking during the the  event marking the day,the director of the regional hospital stressed on the importance of of bringing the family together to combat diabetes  and...

Ebola Vaccination Campaign in Cameroon: Rumour Debunked

On October 29, 2019, a message went viral on social media about the existence of a dangerous Ebola vaccination campaign in Cameroon. From findings done, the message is a hoax. The Africa Director of the Centre for Disease Control, Dr John Nkengasong in an interview after an audience with Cameroon’s Prime Minister made it clear that there was no Ebola vaccination campaign taking place in Cameroon. Aucune campagne en vue au #Cameroun contre la fièvre Ebola. Démenti du Directeur du Centre de contrôle et de prévention… Posted by CRTVweb on  Tuesday, November 5, 2019   Source of this Message A Facebook user posted the message on the existence of an Ebola vaccination campaign in Cameroon on October 29, 2019 at 6:47am. At press time, the message had two comments and 43 shares. This post was also tweeted but had no link and no share by press time. It is worth indicating that before this post in English, a similar post was done in French . After...

CHARPA Hands Start-up Business MaterialsTo GBV Survivors And IDP's - Thanks To Italian Gov't And UN Women

By Martial Gnoukapasi GBV survivors, IDP's & support package The center for human rights and peace advocacy (CHRAPA), charged with the implementation of an Italian funded-UN Women project, aimed at improving the livelihood of women and girls affected by the conflict facing the North West and south West regions of Cameroon, has started distributing the materials to the concerned survivors and displaced persons in the NWR.  Speaking at the symbolic handing over ceremony saturday November 1st 2019, the project coordinator Mr Tata Nelson said the beneficiaries of this phase of the support program are drawn from four divisions which are Momo, Ngoketunjia, Boyo and Mezam.  He added, the services of 14 paralegals based in the choosen communities were engaged in the selection process, which resulted to the identification of over 500 cases GBV survivors and idps, out of which 150 critical and desperate cases with urgent need for psycho-social and ...


Two students of GBHS Ntamulung Bamenda were this Thursday 7th of November 2019 picked up by unidentified gun men around the Mulang neighborhood. A source at GBHS Bda has said, the female students were on their way to school at about 8am when armed men picked three of them on a motor bike. Response from the military with gun shots around the area, forced the gun men to drop one of the female students while the other two were taken along with them. The student who succeeded to escape the kidnapping sustained bruises on her head and body. She is presently at the regional hospital in Bamenda responding to medical attention. The whereabout of the two girls is still unknown. Meantime, two students of the University of Bamenda ( females) were kidnapped last evening November 6th 2019 arround 3 corners Bambili in the evening hours. They were moving to their hostels from Campus. The kidnapping for Ransom of school children is on the rise in Bamenda. Parents are...


  By Stephen Ojang   T i r e d   o f   s e e i n g   t h e i r   c h i l d r e n   g o i n g   w a y w a r d   b e c a u s e   o f   n o   s c h o o ls   a s   a   r e s u l t   o f   t h e   p r e v a l e n t   i n s e c u r i t y ,   p a r e n t s   a n d   i n h a b i t a n t s   o f   Z o n g h e f u ,   i n   W u m   s u b d i v i s i o n ,   h a v e   b r a v e d   t h e   o d d s   t o   k e e p   t h e   s c h o o l   c a m p u s   o f   G S   Z O N G H E F U   I   a n d   I I ,   a s   a   m o v e   t o w a r d s   s c h o ...