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By Stephen Ojang in Wum.
    The men of truth and women of joy of PC Naikom in Menchum presbytery, have been introduced to their 2020 study book which has as theme; "God is our refuge and strength  with watch words always ready to help in times of trouble.

      It is no doubt that this year's theme falls squarely in line with the social reality and the life lived by christians of this Presbytery. Another coincidence is the abundant red colour over the black that symbolises the blood shed in this sinful world. Despite all these atrocities committed to children of God, there is a gleamer of hope symbolised by the church house built on a hill, and the remnant Christians, carrying their cross and burden, looking up to God to cast them onto him thereby, asserting that He is our refuge and strength as He will always help us in difficult times.

   An in-depth literary appreciation of this year's joint publication of the CWF/CMF Work Departments, shows that God's presence to help his children is ever abiding. Therefore, Christian of this Presbytery have been urged by Rev. Nchotu Moses Shu, to establish a daily and minute-by-minute working relationship with God while on this earthly pilgrimage, to the heavenly race of glory.

      Christians of the PCC are therefore called this year to faithfully rely on the strength of God who is the refuge provider when exposed, especially as many are homeless and defenceless in the face of the present socio-political quagmire, rocking the two English speaking regions of Cameroon.

       The Lord is the strength-giver when we are weak and He is our helper when helpless.
This year's study book, to quote Rt. Rev. Fonki Samuel Forba, is spiced with social and economic transformative lessons, well harnessed to give the reader, a holistic sense of life that can lift humanity from the present state of doldrums to a flourishing life.

Two books have been chosen this year because of their peculiarcities.

  -The poetic and lyrical book-The Psalm, leads the readers to the various moods in the individual, family, community or national lives. The moods vary from joy, sorrow, fear, sinfulness, repentance, faithlessness, faithfulness, adversities, attacks, depression, hopelessness and hopefulness.

   -The soul searching and enriching meditations in this year's study book come from the book of Prophet Micah. These Bible Meditations are well selected and timely too because of the fact that the author himself lived outside the governmental Center of power of his nation at his time and would show great concern for the lowly, the less fortunate, the lame, the outcasts and the afflicted.(Cf Micah 4:6)

      The 2020 CWF/CMF study book gives an opportunity to the women of joy and the men of truth, to renew their relationship with God by gaining confidence in his protection and strength.
They are further reminded that suffering produces endurance and endurance produces hope and hope leads us to God's will.
 The Women and Men Work Departments in this year's study book settled on the 1975 theme, "God is our refuge and strength" drawn from Psalm 46. The choice of this theme was not done par hasard. It was done so as to fit squarely our contextual situation where many hopes are lost. Our only hope being God who is all powerful, all present and all knowing.
Christians are therefore called upon to be confident in God's protection and strength even in "midst of the smell of gun powder". He is our place of safety, security and strong tower.


Unknown said…
Good presentation correct the spellings of the name of our moderatorm.

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