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Showing posts from May, 2020


By Pechuqui Laurata. This year observance which is themed "it is time for action" , recognizes the fact that menstrual periods do not stop for the pandemic. Instead of looking at it as a taboo, curse or shame, let's raise awareness and change negative norms around menstruation, create a world in which everyone is empowered and manage their {girls} periods safely with proper hygiene and confidence. Women and girls are receiving a double blow from the pandemic. They lack water in their communities to wash and now they have to wash their hands frequently. Access to menstrual pads remains limited. Some Young girls can't even afford pads and they turn to use socks and other materials. Some are forced to hawk on the street to take care of their monthly needs which exposes them to gender based violence and the coronavirus itself. Periods will keep running whether the pandemic continues or not. If you are girl who is finding it difficult to use pads every month, use


By Stephen Ojang. From the disability inclusive development programme of the Cameroon Baptist Convention CBC, the Wum Council has understood that development needs everyone on board. This is known as inclusive development. The material assistance comprising a tricycle, wheelchair and crutches is part of Decentralized credits. This was handed to them by the Lord Mayor of Wum council, Mr. Dighambong Anthony Mvo in the presence of the Divisional Delegate of social Affairs and the chief of the Wum social center. Away from promoting disability inclusive development, the Council shares 800.000 frs to persons with disabilities, and purchases special didactic materials for GS Wanagwen on a yearly basis.  People with disabilities are present in all societies. Many are hidden or excluded from society; either in their homes or institutions because of Social stigma. They may be barriers-physical, policies, communication, etc, that limit their opportunity to practice in varied activities. Wum Counc


By Stephen Ojang in Wum They were 6 in number, some youths who were received and admitted into the CYF group of PC Naikom in Menchum presbytery. The admission ceremony which took place at PC Naikom, Sunday 17th May 2020, was presided over by the Rev Sesse, in the presence of some Zonal and Presbytery executive not leaving out the Christian family of the congregation. In a sermon drawn from James 1:2-8, the servant of God centered his message on the theme, "Turn your trials into triumph." He went further to ask the children of God, to take the bad side of life, and carve out something good from it. Thus, making pepper soup out of the pepper life would give them. He called on all to be born of God and accept Jesus Christ into their lives as their master and saviour adding that, when they are born again they will live a new life. To the CYF members, he challenged them to be steadfast. Christened the Batch of perseverance, these newly admitted members have been called to go out a


The fight against the Corona virus has always yielded positive impact as it has always been drifted towards education, sensitization and conscientization of the masses to scrupulously stay within the ambit of the preventive measures; Washing of hands with runny water and soap, adequate wearing of face mask, judicious use of hand sanitizers and respecting social distancing. On like other organisations, and associations that think about the general population, the Community Impact for Africa, CIfA, has changed the narrative, by mainstreaming disability, in the fight against COVID-19. CIfA has handed a chart of COVID-19 prevention measures in sign Language, as well as and an adaptive hand washing tool to the Bamenda main market. The CEO of CIfA, Madam Ngwanwi Lidwina Munting, says the motivating factor is to trigger the government and other individuals, to mainstream disability in the fight against the Corona virus. " The raison d'être is to create sensitization on disability inc


By Stephen Ojang with input from Rose Obah. Over 40 media practitioners in the North-West Region amongst whom Local Language Broadcasters, as well as TV news reporters, have been schooled on the need to amplify the voices of women, by making known their activities, during this period of COVID-19. This was during a one day workshop organized  by the Beacon Light Association. The workshop held at Mondial Hotel in Bamenda Wednesday May 13, 2020. During the said workshop, one of the facilitators, Mrs. Obah Rose Akah, drilled Journalists and Local language broadcasters from different media sectors in the North-West Region on how to Mainstream gender in reporting on Covid19 pandemic. The Media has the power to amplify the voices of women, portray their active roles in the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic, support their participation in public debate, challenge gender stereotypes and hold decision-makers accountable for women rights. Dixit Rose Obah. Following the current global crisis

COVID-19: CAMASEJ Walks the Talk.

The NW Chapter of The Cameroon Association of English Speaking Journalists (CAMASEJ) accompanied by the Secretary General of the National Bereau Wanchia Cynthia, has today Friday May 15th, distributed some bucket taps donated by the National Office to some key/ strategic institutions and partners of the association in the city of Bamenda. The move was inline with it's effort to curb the spread of the virus nationwide. The two structures that benefit from the association's magnanimity this day were; - Milano VIP Restaurant  - Blue Pearl Hotel. Both institutions expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the association for it's timely donations. Both structures were called upon by the chapter President, Ambe Macmillan to put the items at the service of mankind.


By Stephen Ojang in Wum. The population of Wum in Menchum Division, have received their own share of President Paul Biya's gifts to the nation, as efforts to combat COVID 19. The distribution exercise took place at the Wum grandstand, in strict respect of social distancing, and chaired by the Senior Divisional Officer for Menchum Division, Mr. Abdoullahi Aliou. Mounting the rostrum, the Lord Mayor of Wum council, Councillor Dighambong Anthony Mvo, welcomed all who came out despite the social distancing, to receive the Presidential gifts and use them judiciously, to combat COVID 19. "Let us remember to always clean and desinfect all surfaces of common use: door handles, switches and remote controls at least twice a day with desinfectants. Let's protect our children by avoiding contact between them and anyone else, even neighbours and relatives in order to protect them from COVID-19 infection." While handing the gifts to the population, the Senior Divisional Officer for
By Pechuqui Laurata Gender Based Violence is not a woman's  issue but an issue that concerns everyone in the society.  That "ei no concern me" word should stop. How can you see a woman  being  beaten by her husband  repeatedly  and you say it does not concern you. If it were your sister it would.   Let's  stop using the sentence "one man for yiself" because  we can't  live in this world alone. Gender Based Violence is a violation of Human Right and if it must come to an end. We need to start treating everyone around us  as us. This fight is a collective  one  and not that of a particular sex.          When we talk as ONE,  violence against Women comes out from behind closed doors. Violence against Women and girls in most societies, goes unrecognized and unreported because the victims are afraid  to communicate  about it. Violence against Women is a public issue and a public concern that affects all segments of the society. We all share the responsibili


By Ndi Tsembom Elvis in Bda Les Brasseries du Cameroun, a leading brewery company in the country has donated Eight tap containers and cartons of soap to facilitate hand washing in markets within Bamenda. The 1000 litres capacity, will be placed at the entry and exit points of the Bamenda Main Market, the Food Market, Nkwen Market and Bamendakwe Market. While handing the containers to the City Mayor of Bamenda, the Chief of Centre of Les Brasseries Mr Chi Francis, enjoined the subdivisional Mayors and Market masters to ensure that water is always available in the containers and with soap close by. "It is the duty of Les Brasseries to see that this monster(coronavirus) is dealt with. It is exclusive to washing of hands and not a tap for people to fetch water" he noted Paul Achobong, City Mayor of Bamenda explained that the brewery company had inspected the chosen markets and areas where the containers will be planted. "They should be protected. People should be responsibl


By Ndi Tsembom Elvis in Bda Les Brasseries du Cameroun, a leading brewery company in the country has donated Eight tap containers and cartons of soap to facilitate hand washing in markets within Bamenda. The 1000 litres capacity, will be placed at the entry and exit points of the Bamenda Main Market, the Food Market, Nkwen Market and Bamendakwe Market. While handing the containers to the City Mayor of Bamenda, the Chief of Centre of Les Brasseries Mr Chi Francis, enjoined the subdivisional Mayors and Market masters to ensure that water is always available in the containers and with soap close by. "It is the duty of Les Brasseries to see that this monster(coronavirus) is dealt with. It is exclusive to washing of hands and not a tap for people to fetch water" he noted Paul Achobong, City Mayor of Bamenda explained that the brewery company had inspected the chosen markets and areas where the containers will be planted. "They should be protected. People should be responsibl


Members of the Cameroon Community Media Network, CCMN Centre have held their first online activity ahead of the World Press Freedom Day 2020. During this meeting, the members highlighted that the Cameroonian press is yet to enjoy freedom thus restricting them from effectively carrying out their duties. While celebrating the World Press Freedom day of May 3rd 2020, they said for Cameroonian journalists to successfully carry out their duties without being arrested or detained, they should always follow the ethics and deontology of the profession. It was equally highlighted that Peace Journalism should be the watchword.    Also during the meeting, the journalists were schooled on humanitarian reporting.  The training that was facilitated by the coordinator for CCMN Centre Moma Sandrine, laid emphasis on reporting stories in a way that gives a suffering community hope of a better tomorrow while equally drawing the attention of different stakeholders that can offer assistance to such commun


By Prince Oben Agbor in Kumba. Private Newspaper Publisher in Cameroon have given a blackout to news issues this Monday May 4, 2020, in protest against Government's neglect of the private media in the country. Their protest comes barely a day after the commemoration of world press freedom day on Sunday May 3, under the theme: " journalism without fear or favour". Although the day was low key given the on going deadly pandemic of COVID-19, Publishers of English language newspapers under the banner of their Association resolved to engage in a strike action with all the papers carrying a lone main caption. NEWSPAPERS ON STRIKE OVER NON- PAYMENT OF BILLS, GOVERNMENT NEGLECT OF PRIVATE MEDIA! Reports say, some of the Media Organs have gone on break waiting for their demands to be addressed by the Powers -that-be. As of Sunday May 3, 2020, government has not responded to their demands. It is expected that government's Spokesman, the minister of communication, Rene Emman