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The population of Wum municipality in Menchum Division, gathered at the Zongokwo Village hall, and called on the Head of State, President Paul Biya, to look into their plight and tare the Wum-Bamenda road, a potion of the ring road.

They also realized that Kidnapping for money is an evil that came to the Wum municipality, for whatever reasons, and has refused to go. The incidence reduced considerably in the last two years, but seems to have refused to go completely. The perpetrators of this crime appear to have resumed with increasing vengeance for no good reasons, where  eight persons have been kidnapped within the last two months with emphasis laid on traditional rulers and local council workers. First it was a teacher, then some workers, and just few days ago, the Fon of Waazoh, two council workers, then the Fon of Naikom and a Teacher of GTTC Wum, fell victims to the dare devils. 

Without sounding alarmist, we in Wum, are in a desperate situation, and all hands must be on deck to send this crime and the criminals packing from our municipality.

The population echoed, before calling on the government to salvage the battered state of the Wum-Bamenda road, by taring it.

One wonders aloud who the culprits in this new wave of kidnapping could be. Could it be that the Non State Armed Groups (NSAG) are once again using kidnapping to settle scores? Or is it that some people are going back to the crime to maintain their greedy habits? Could it be that we all were distracted by the relative peace and the economic boom we are gradually witnessing, that these perpetrators started feeling that it could be business as usual once again?

Whatever the reasons for the return of this ugly phenomenon, the Women of Wum municipality told themselves we must not sit and watch it grow. Moreover, in Wum municipality, denizens feel that for once, they are seeing what dividends of democracy looks like, while hoping for more from their Mayor and the Government in his second tenure. The fight against this crime should never be politicized as we expect each and everyone to put hands on deck, and the administration to deploy every available means to crush kidnapping in the Municipality.

With the dwindling fortunes of the municipality, due to continued downward slide in local revenue collections, there was need for Wum inhabitants especially the women, to resolve totally to say no to the crime of kidnapping. Kidnapping is a threat to the security of lives and property; it discourages investors, be they local or foreign, and kills the necessary trust between the well-to-do of society on the one hand, and the poor on the other. The youth suffer more from the scourge of kidnapping because they are easily perceived as suspects by their likely mentors and helpers in society. Kidnapping is an enemy of Wum municipality because we need all the jobs that can be created by investors and high economic activities, which the crime of kidnapping will undermine immensely. Every denizen of Wum should therefore hate kidnappers, their supporters, and connivers.

Kidnappers are not from the moon, they belong to villages, communities and local government areas. They have wives, husbands, relations, families and acquaintances. They belong to clubs and social societies, and people talk, work, eat, wine, and dine with them.

Traditional rulers and community leaders should be empowered and encouraged to profile houses or premises used by kidnappers and also persons who are predisposed to committing such a crime. It was generally observed during the gathering that people resist profiling the perpetrators of such acts for all kinds of reasons, including fear of exposure, but it goes to the very root of crime prevention.

Living in fear is the same for all victims of these evils. People live in fear in all the 19 villages that make up the Wum Council area as a result of the evils that pervade the respective villages, and they expect deliverance from their leaders, both at the local, Regional and National levels.

Kidnapping must not be allowed to take root in Wum municipality. This is why we in the municipality, are saying a big and emphatic NO to kidnapping in all its ramification.


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