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Members of the Cameroon Community Media Network CCMN within the North West Region, have been fortified professionally, with updated skills on humanitarian reporting, peace journalism and solution oriented reporting. This was the outcome of a one day capacity building organized by the Peace Office of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon(PCC). These members, who came from different divisions of the North West region, were urged to refrain from the traditional way of reporting, to a humanitarian way of reporting, which promotes a peaceful and solution building society. The six hour workshop which took place in Bamenda over the weekend, laid the foundation towards the second series of print and audio-visual peace productions, with a special focus on having members of the network, include aspects of humanitarian reporting reflected in all the contents expected to be produced in the days ahead. This according to the organizers, will help journalists reflect the plight and voices of the c


The staff of the Guardian Post Newspaper, has been schooled on peace and responsible journalism. The training exercise took place on Saturday January 9th 2021 in Yaoundé, and was facilitated by CCMN's National Coordinator, Rosaline Akah Obah. The training focused on how the GP family, can report stories in a way that mitigates conflict, involving the use of non violent Communication, telling the story as it is without the use of hate language amongst others. After an exchange with the staff, the Publisher, Kristian Ngah, together with other staff, expressed satisfaction to timely training as it will go a long way to help the editors and reporters to be solution oriented in their reporting while paying more attention to the local community members. The Coordinator of the network for the Centre Region, Moma Sandrine, was equally present at the event and she encouraged the staff to do their best to avoid reporting stories in a way that can spark further violence. She equally used


Patients in and out of Bamenda, have regained hope and smile, following the arrival of eight new dialysis machines, eight beds, a good consignment of concentrated acids and 800 containers of salime water of 10 litre capacity each. This consignment that was received this Wednesday 6th January 2021 in Bamenda, is the prompt response of the Minister of Public Health. The consignment was received by Dr. Kingsley Che Soh, North West Regional Delegate of Public Health and Dr. Nsame Denis, Director of the Bamenda Regional hospital. The reception of these equipment, is  a stress reliever to the over 55 patients who undergo dialysis at the centre. It should be noted that this emergency response of the Minister of Public Health, Dr. Manaouda Malachie, comes barely few days after a whirlwind blew in a tea cup. The newly acquired equipment, are coming as a result of  the malfunctioning of some of the machines operating at the centre. Receiving the new consignment, the Regional Delegate of Public H


Hundreds of Christians within Menchum presbytery, have joined a peace walk in Wum to pay their respect to those killed at the dawn of 2021, and to also commit Wum, Menchum Division, the North-West Region and the country in the hands of God and above all, seek God's face for the sake of our youths. This intercession on behalf of our youths is inspired by the Biblical allusion of the baby Jesus as well as Moses, whose stories with King Herold and the Pharoh of Egypt, are a glearing proof that youths are a threat to tyran rulers because their presence often send shocking waves down the spine of these rulers. The Organisers, the inter-church committee, said those who came out did not only respect the yearly march for peace, but also turned out to show solidarity with the families of those who died on January 1st 2021, and those who have lost their lives since the beginning of the stalemate in the two English speaking regions of Cameroon. New year's deadly shootings, however, come a


Young Stars FC is this years winner of the Wum Council Unity and Peace tournament after post match penalties win over Yakamata FC at the finals played at the Wum Municipal Stadium on Sunday December 20, 2020 under the watchful eyes of the SDO for Menchum, Abdoullahi Aliou. YOUNG STARS F.C YAKAMATA F.C Young Stars FC went home with the first prize of 300,000 frs, while Yakamata took home 200,000 frs, with third 3rd and 4th teams receiving 75,000 frs and 50,000 frs respectively, while the 5th,6th,7th and 8th bagged home 25,000 frs each. There were also individual prizes for the best player (Afuh Reginard), best goalkeeper (Muhammadu Ibrahim), highest goal scorer (Muhammadu Mansur with 10 goals) among many others. Dighambong Anthony, Mayor of Wum Council, who doubles as Senior Vice President of the United Cities and Councils of Cameroon, reminded the youths of his municipality that the aim of the competition is to bring youths together to celebrate the end of year festivities, cultivate


Journalists and Civil society organizations in the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon have been trained by ADISI-CAMEROON in collaboration with Digital Security professionals on Digital Security, Data, it's tools and Digital storage. The 2 day workshop that took place in Buea, had different presentations from different speakers, which centered on knowledge on digital security , types of digital data, digital storage, encryption, Data privacy amongst others. According to these experts, the aim of the workshop was to train participants on how they can back up data using digital storage and tools for electronic devices like phones, computers or Laptops. Questions came up on how data can be stored and for how long it could last if not used. One of the trainers Vianney Forewah insisted that, it is important for people to always used the app for Back-up regurlarly because this data could be lost after two years if done otherwise. According to this facilitator, It

CSOs in Bamenda celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

The Center for Strategic Communication, Peacebuilding and Sustainable Development CESCOMPSUD, joined other CSOs in Bamenda over the weekend to celebrate the International Day of persons with disabilities under the theme, “Not all Disabilities are Visible.”   Celebrated all over the world annually on the 3rd December 2020, this year's  celebration took place  at the CBC field where persons with disabilities otherwise known as persons with special abilities, showcased various talents such as craft, racing, football by Amputees  amongst others.  This gesture of theirs, revealed to the population that, no matter their disability, they can practically exhibit  any activity they so desire to do with the potentials and skills they have.  According to Fon Dieudonne, CEO of Think Big and also one of the organizers, people with disabilities should be given the chance to do  what they desire. "We want to encourage those with impairments to join us to project their talents and show the