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Mbengwi; villagers revive community work spirit, reopen disappearing roads.

Community work refers to a massive turn out of people of a particular community or communities to do a particular task that will benefit everyone in the community. Before the armed conflict different communities had days on which they mobilized and came out to either clean around, maintain a broken bridge or sensitize themselves on societal issues. Today, this community work has a new nomenclature. It is now referred to as local solution, to an existing problem. Since the armed conflict started in 2016, the culture of community work was gradually eroded as people feared to gather in huge crowds for fear of being targeted by either parties involved in the armed conflict or being caught by a straying bullet. On Monday December 6th, the people of Sang, Meh, Upper Wumnebit/ Mbengbu communities located in the Tondig Zone of the Meta clan revived the community work spirit, by uniting their energies in clearing both sides of the road, which had already been narrowed by grass making it easier

Bambili-Cameroon: 14 years old Water Heroine, Kewoh Cynthia Faith, donates 500Fcfa lunch money for giant water project.

She is a Form II student of the Cameroon College of Arts, Science and Technology, CCAST Bambili in Mezam Division of the North West Region. She was born into a peasant family some 14 years ago. Growing up, she discovered one of her obligatory household chores was to fetch water for cooking, bathing and drinking.  Originally, it was an exciting exercise for young Kewoh Cynthia Faith as it gave her opportunity to commune with other children in the neighbourhood too and fro the water source. With population pressure, drought and uncertain climatic conditions, Cynthia Faith realized the original water source nearby was drying off and she would need to walk longer distances to fetch water for her personal and family use. Living on less than $1 a day, Cynthia Faith's family could not afford the expensive cost of connecting water to their home  from the National Water utility Cooperation, SNEC, whose capacity was intended to service a Bambili community of less than 15000 inhabitants follo


Women in Cameroon have been called upon to claim their rights and break stereotypes so as to contribute in the economy growth of Cameroon. This was amongst many recommendations made at the end of a panel discussion organised by the Denis and Loretia Foundation this November 30, 2021 in Yaounde under its project to promote Women's Economic Rights, WERC. With theme of focus, "Advancing Women's Liberty for a Sustainable Economic Growth" , three panelists identified barriers to women's economic liberty and prosperity in Cameroon and then proposed solutions to tackle these problems. Barriers Identified The obstacles to women's economic liberty highlighted include: limited access to education in some localities, limited access to health services, limited access to loans, constraints in justice systems and vulnerable jobs. Recommendations One of the Panelists, Dr Wilfred Pathe, a Lecturer on Human Rights, insisted that women grab their rights and break stereotypes. H


Effective communication has over the years had an impact on the growth and development of humans and societies at large. In this effect, the Center for human rights and Democracy in Africa held an evaluation and monitoring workshop on 25th November 2021 to educate actors against Gender Based violence on how they can effectively communicate the Start, Awareness Support Action SASA methodology in their communities to impact change. The capacity building workshop which took place at the CBC Hall Mile 3 Nkwen Bamenda, had Ndum Chalotte, a girls' right activist and a representative of CESCOMPSUP's Coordinator Madam Rosaline Obah as one of the facilitators. While highlighting the different communication strategies that can be used to effectively pass out the SASA message amongst which are advocacy, behavioral change, youth generational change, she noted that the SASA methodology has been a success and these communication strategies will be a plus to ending violence against women in


    With the rapid advancement of technology, online learning has become part of many institutions' course offerings around the world. From certificates, Diplomas, degrees, PhDs, impactful online language learning and everything in between, learning online has never been so easy!   It is in line with this technological development that IMPACT POLYTECHNIC Bamenda, one of the country's top-ranked institutions, offers the best online learning that you can't find anywhere else. The institution offers fast track learning program, that enables you study at your convenience from anywhere else than a traditional classroom. It is also very cost effective and you can study while working or doing other things in life.     The online learning at IMPACT POLYTECHNIC Bamenda offers to all its students, the perks of attending their dream university, with the added convenience of a   learning experience tailored to their schedule.    With courses available in almost every subjec


Some Media Professionals drawn from the North-West, South-West and West Regions, have been schooled on Routine Vaccination. This forum of exchange falls within the framework of Health System Strengthening. Organized by the Expanded Program on Immunization E.P.I, the workshop trained media professionals on key areas of immunization and build their capacity to produce broadcasts, spots and micro-programs in favour of immunization and to also empower them with the necessary resources to research information on immunization.   This workshop is organized within the backdrop that there has been a drop in vaccination coverage where Yellow Fever YF, Measles and Rubella MR had dropped to 79% and 71% respectively in 2018. This is further corroborated by the MICS 2014 and EDS V 2018 surveys, which concluded that the proportion of children vaccinated with Penta 3 has fallen from 86% to 71.5%.      Conscious of the great role that Radio and Television play in the dissemination of information in


  As part of measures to spread peace through communication, the Civil Peace Service of Bread for the World organized a 5- day workshop on radio drama production on the theme "Radio Drama: A Veritable Tool for the Promotion of Peace" .The workshop which was held at the PCC Synod office in Buea brought together 17 CPS partner organizations from all over the country. Opening the training workshop, the representative of the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, the National Peace Coordinator, Rev. Nta William Nche disclosed that the workshop is coming at a time when all avenues have to be exploited to preach peace, and radio drama is one of them. During the 5-day training workshop, the participants were drilled on peace, peacebuilding, conflict, history of radio drama, elements of a good script amongst others by Julius Nzang and Achaleke Christian, who were the main facilitators.   Cross Section of Participants During Workshop   At the end of the training worksho