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Councilors of the Wum Council have expressed their readiness to respect party hierarchy and vote for the CPDM senatorial candidate, Kobenge Sekedi Bomeh, in the upcoming March 12, 2023 senatorial election. They took the commitment during the Communal launching at the Wum town hall. Presenting the candidate to councilors of Wum Council, the Communal Campaign Leader, Dighambong Anthony Mvo, Mayor of Wum Council, appealed to the Councilors to make a choice for the future of their children, the municipality and the division at large. He also called on them not to sell their consciences and rather think of the future and not their individual interest.   From Hon. Wallang Richard Ebua to Akwa Patrick, the message has been the same; carry the aspirations of the people and make the right decision for posterity. The senatorial aspirant, Kobenge Sekedi Bomeh, expressed satisfaction to the party for giving him a chance to contribute his own quota to the development of the Division. He told counci


  Councilors of the Cameroon People  Democratic Movement, CPDM, met at the Wum Town Hall with the Divisional Campaign team for Menchum Division on the occasion of the launching of campaigns ahead of the March 12 Senatorial Elections.  The Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement, CPDM party in Menchum Division is not hiding its ambition for power to change hand for meaningful development in Menchum Division. Hon. Nji Fidelis Muziah, Mayor Dighambong Anthony Mvo and Akwa Patrick told councilors of the four CPDM run Councils of Menchum Division that; it is necessary for us all to work tirelessly to ensure resounding victory for the CPDM in Menchum. The victory is not out of reach. We should remain focus, be on guard and be vigilant in winning the Election come March 12th in Menchum. Councilors were invited to keep aside their differences and respect party Discipline for party's sake.  Hon. Nji Fidelis Divisional Campaign Team Councilor Dighambong Anthony Mvo capitalized on the youthfuln


Stakeholders involved in the fight against HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases have resolved to double efforts to ensure the rate of new infections reduce by 60 percent as well as curb HIV –related mortality by 70 percent and improve on the quality of life of persons living with the disease. Mr. Marceliout Djunang, Rep. Governor, NWR They took the resolute commitment at the end of a three-day  workshop that held from the 26 to the 28 of January 2023 with the aim of consolidating the evaluation of the HIV/AIDS National Strategic Plan (NSP), 2021-2023. This workshop was chaired by the Representative of the Governor of the North-West Region, Mr. Marcelious Djounant, Head of Economic, Social and Cultural Affairs Division, at the Northwest Governor's Office.  Statistics presented at the workshop show HIV remains a public health problem in Cameroon, with 2.7% of the population infected. In the Northwest  region 4% of the population is HIV infected. Generally,  women have a h


  Hopes for lasting peace in Cameroon are soaring. Few days back, a Tweet from @canadaCameroon raised the hopes of many Cameroonians especially those living the war-torn areas of the North-West and South-West Regions. In Wum like in Gayama, Bamunka. Bali, Alou, Eyoumodjock and Lebialem, just to name these few areas, the population on Ground Zero heaved a deep sigh of relief and can only pray hard for the success of this Canadian move. The Tweet that raised hopes. This Canadian move offers an ambitious approach to negotiating with armed groups, coming out with a blueprint of peace accords, and pursuing national unity amid debilitating socio-political polarization. The protagonists are standing before an undeniable opportunity to lay the foundation to end the six-years conflict, even if subsequent governments will have to sustain these efforts to truly reap the long-term benefits. The Canadian move will seek to lay the foundation for bringing the Cameroon’s six years Anglophone long arme


Members of the SDF family, Brothers and Sisters of this country. I stand here to wish you people a happy new year. When i say happy, it's because we deserve to be happy. But if we look at ourselves as Cameroonians especially those from the Northwest and Southwest, are we really happy? So many have lost their loved ones, we can't live at peace and at ease in our own hometowns. So many people have taken refuge in Mbouda, Bafoussam, Douala away from their own hometowns and cannot come home to feel at home. Their properties have been destroyed. In the early days of this struggle, when I left here going to the farm, i went through Boyo and grass had covered the main roads because vehicles were not passing, vehicles were destroyed, so many things took place that many did not feel safe and at ease in their homes.  But as we're approaching the year 2023, I want to thank God that some of us are still alive, those that are dead, are dead and gone but we have to continue. I've alw

Un cadeau de Noel pas comme les autres au PEV Nord-Ouest.

Twenty-nine brand new Yamaha 100 motorbikes were handed over to 29 public, private and faith-based health facilities in the Northwest on December 23, 2022. As a result of Minsante-GAVI cooperation, this equipment aims at improving vaccination services and most importantly to reinforce the outreach strategies of health centers in the community. In a region where vaccination performance has been significantly affected by six years of socio-political, humanitarian and security crisis, it was timely that such an initiative was undertaken to boost performance. The handing over ceremony was presided over by the Northwest Regional Health boss, Dr Che Soh Kingsley. He urged the beneficiaries to make good use of the equipment and that the differences in coverage should be felt in the early months of the coming year 2023. En date du 23 Décembre 2022, ce sont 29 motos flambant neuves marque Yamaha 100 qui ont été remises à 29 structures de santé publiques, privée et confessionnelles dans le Nord-
Bihndumlem Humanitarian Association of Peace and Hope (BIHAPH) recently joined other Humanitarians and Civil society Organizations to launch the 16 days of activism against Gender Based Violence with the theme: UNITE! Activism to end violence against women and girls.   Launching the event today 25 November 2022, the organization was able to bring together stakeholders from Menchum Division such as the S.D.O, D.O, Lord Mayor, Traditional leaders and other government and community officials of the division to say NO to GBV and also exhibit some of the products from their community empowerment project with partners executed in Bafmeng, Benakuma and Wum Central.   Some of the items exhibited during the launching include coated peanuts, doughnuts, cakes, traditionally marked regalias, farm produce of tomatoes, Irish potatoes, carrots amongst other products.   BIHAPH CEO Madam Mih Bibiana  Mbei Dighambong during the launching called on the entire Division and communities to stand