The Southwest Northwest Women Taskforce (SNWOT) has just ended a three-day retreat that took place in Limbe, Southwest Region of Cameroon. The event that took place from January 10-12, 2019, brought together 41 members of this coalition who passionately renewed their commitment to uphold the Vision and Mission of SNWOT in 2020.
It is worth noting that SNWOT as an organization has as Mission to promote the meaningful participation of Women in Peace Mediation, Conflict Resolution and Decision Making at all levels of Sustainable Peace and Development. For its Vision, SNWOT envisages a society where Inclusive and Effective participation of women in all Peace Processes and Decision Making is a whole reality.
The Retreat’s activities enabled women to commune as a family and discuss issues that will foster the activities of SNWOT for 2020. The highlight of the Retreat was a bold step taken by the Coalition to engage male Peace Builders with whom they will work hand in hand to see a peaceful end to the socio-political crisis plaguing the Northwest and Southwest Regions of Cameroon, as well as put hands on deck for a meaningful Women’s representation in all spheres of Decision Making. About 15 male Peace Advocates representing different organizations all took laudable commitments on how this holistic approach to broker peace in Cameroon will be met with their respective contributions.
Sally Mboumien the current General Coordinator of SNWOT in her address reminded everyone present that the Retreat was an opportunity for the women who have done a lot in peace interventions throughout 2019 to have a quiet time for themselves to relax, revitalize, re-strategize and remind themselves that they are equal to this arduous task in 2020. The hope is to meet up to the expectations of people in the communities who are desperately yearning for peace to return and also engage more grass-root women in the peace building processes. This can be better achieved if men and women peace builders work together for a common purpose, for, “together we are stronger”; Sally.
Presenting SNWOT to participants, the Honorary President and Vision bearer of SNWOT Mme Omam Njomo Esther noted that SNWOT was born in a period when women were not heard at the start of the socio-political crisis of the NW and SW regions of the country. “The coalition was created with the aim to significantly reduce and end the hostilities and change the narrative of the current crises. This group stands impartial but with a strong determination in their quest for justice and peace”.
It was also forum for participants to refresh their knowledge on Feminism in a presentation on “African Feminism, a model for movement building” by Zoneziwoh Mbongulo-Wondieh. The active participation of all participants during this presentation showcase their utmost determination and relentless efforts in crusading for peace.
The event ended with an award of certificates to SNWOT women in recognition of their time, commitment, sacrifice and devotion in working for women peace and security and contributing effectively to the goals of SNWOT in 2019. The Honorary President and Vision Bearer of SNWOT who handed these certificates to the women, was also recognized with an award for work done in peacebuilding.