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Showing posts from March, 2020

Governor Adolphe Lele Lafrique calls on the NW population to respect the 13 measures to fight against COVID 19.

Courtesy Governor Adolphe Lele Lafrique has called on the population of the Northwest region today Tuesday, 31st March 2020 to do all to respect and implement the 13 measures put in place by the Government of Cameroon and the World Health Organisation (WHO) to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. This was his key message at every stop of his tour around some travel agencies and markets in the region. The governor equally commended the effort of the medical team that has been at the entrance of matazem since Saturday the 21st of March to screen all passengers entering the region and declared that the screening exercise is for everybody, the drivers, passengers, civil servants, security men and women etc, no one excluded.                     Governor and entourage at Matazem He called on the population to strictly respect and implement the 13 measures set in place by the Government and the World Health Organization (WHO). He appealed the population of the North West Re


The Cameroon Community Media Network CCMN, is warming up to get into the boxing ring against the Corona virus pandemic, COVID 19. Its readiness is contained in a Press Release signed by its National Coordinator, Mme Obah Rose Akah.  Mme Rosaline Obah Akah CCMN National Coordinator The Cameroon Community Media Network is embarking on a series of campaign to raise awareness on the preventive measures issued by national and international bodies. She further called on all regional chapter coordinators, to make sure that the measures herein retained by the CCMN, go into effect by all CCMN members, to limit, if not, stop the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in the respective communities; Produce and broadcast Radio and Tv spots on the pandemic to raise awareness on the different preventive measures. Carry out social media campaigns on the different preventive measures and raise discussions of peace and hope to change the narratives. Counter myths, fake news, disinfor

COVID-19 and Journalism: Tips for responsible reporting in a challenging context.

By Louvier Kindo Tombe.  Journalists are not only fighting the Corona Virus epidermic, but are more challenged with the fight against the “infodemic”. The present outbreak has become the biggest story in the world now, but it is still difficult to determine with exactitude the future and consequences of the infection. With these uncertainties, journalists are faced with challenges like misinformation, risks of being infected in the line of duty and fear of fueling panic in communities. The present outbreak has become the biggest story in the world now, but it is still difficult to determine with exactitude the future and consequences of the infection. With these uncertainties, journalists are faced with challenges like misinformation, risks of being infected in the line of duty and fear IS RESPONSIBLE REPORTING ENOUGH? The simple answer is NO, because other factors need to be considered when Reporting broad based stories and pandemics like COVID-19. Befo

COVID 19: Message from the Cameroon Journalists Trade Union.CJTU/SNJC NW.

Dear Comrades Never have times been as challenging and uncertain as now. From the crisis we have lived in for the past three years and counting and now the coronavirus pandemic, no one of us knows what happens in the nearest future. We have seen many die from gun bullets and other dangerous weapons and we have reported with all the difficulties. As for the new war against the pandemic which is killing people and the global economy before our  eyes, it is certain we will suffer more. We have been victims of no pay, attacks, bullying, trolling and much more.   While assuring you all of our duty  as a trade union to protect and ensure the safety of all members, we invite you all not just to be the educators of our people on measures to prevent the pandemic but to implement them ourselves.  In his message to Iinternational Federation of Journalists IFJ affiliates our trade union inclusive,  Younes MJAHED IFJ President writes "This health crisis, unfortunately, will h


The Senior Divisional Officer for Menchum Division, Mr. Abdoullahi Aliou, has called on the population of Menchum Division to scrupulously adhere to the prescription of the Government against the world pandemic, Corona virus COVID 19. His call is contained in a three page documents which he signed and OJ SLIM MEDIA acquired a copy. The document is a strong invitation to all the population of Menchum Division to stay safe. The chief executive of the Division showed examples during official ceremonies as he washes his hands with water and soap. In his communiqué, he has called on all public offices to provide water and soap at their various entrances so as to contribute in barring the way to COVID 19. In respect to this communiqué, places of worship have decentralised worship. The Presbyterian Church has chosen various sites that could host less than 50 persons as a contribution to fight the pandemic.   The borders of the Division have been closed till furt

Cameroon: Coronavirus numbers are rising

The number of Cameroonians carrying the deadly Coronavirus is increasing at a speed that is causing the country’s authorities to lose sleep. Despite efforts by the government to draw attention to the danger waiting to strike the country, many Cameroonians have continued to live a life of recklessness. In Douala and Yaounde which are heavily populated, many people have been going about their business as if nothing is happening despite the gory pictures coming out of Italy, China and the United States. In Yaounde, the nation’s capital, army soldiers on Saturday resorted to force to close down many watering holes where there many people eating and drinking as usual in defiance of the government’s rules against the virus that is killing people around the world. In Douala, bar owners have come up with brand new tricks to keep their clients. Rears doors into the drinking spots are now being used to access these drinking places which are potential hotspots. Thousands o


From Pa Gideon Taka In the debate that is ongoing regarding the type of journalism practised by some media houses, allow me take an issue with the use of the idea "business" as an objective of some journalists.  Yes, every human endeavour is "business" because it is and must be organised towards profit making, a positive result. The business of media publications is well  defined in the ethics adopted by all practitioners and enshrined in the laws of the land. The business of journalism, as is well understood, is principally to uncover "hidden" facts that may assist to propel the society forward towards the good life. This is the duty of the practising journalist who is equipped and knows how to discriminate among many contending facts with the sole aim of bringing proactive and functional information to the public. Some opinions that I have read on this forum have generally agreed on this traditional definition of journalism b


By Amamboh Carrey-Pride in Bamenda Thousands of passengers entering the Northwest Region from the West, Centre, Littoral, Southwest and other regions of the country have been screened for possible risk factors of the Coronavirus, following a health campaign carried out on Saturday March 21st 2020 at the Toll Gate, at Matazem Santa. The team of health experts was led by Dr. Kingley Che Soh, Regional Delegate of Public Health NW. The exercise began about 4 am. Passengers alighted from the buses and filled past the health personels who had their temperature checked. According to Dr. Kingsley, these measures are to prevent any potential risk factors of the coronavirus (COVID-19) disease from penetrating the NW regional capital Bamenda. Earlier in a press release signed on Friday 20th March 2020, the regional delegation debunked rumours of the confirmation of a case in Bamenda. In a communique, he stated that “ no case of the Corona virus infection has sofar been confirmed in the region”. 

Cameroon Community Media Network , CCMN Littoral Chapter Holds Maiden Meeting , Adds New Executive Members.

First published by the Exactly 2 months after the launch of CCMN Littoral Chapter on January 20th 2020, March 20th was another appointment for members of the Professional Network group to refine their skills in Peace Journalism and Conflict Analysis . During her presentation on the Situational Analysis of Conflict possible situations, management and resolution in the littoral Region , the Regional Coordinator for CCMN Littoral , Ms Regina Liengu Etaka Esong, stressed the need to keep abreast to these analytic techniques to guarantee effective reporting to the more than 20 members and would_be members who were present. Responding to how effective the state of Cameroon has been in resolving it’s ongoing politico-Social , economic and cultural crisis, Ms Esong Added while presenting the resolution models; “ Every Party in a Conflict must be willing to give in something as a concensus for peace to reign. This is what Journalists or the media should monitor and encourage as p


Photo credit: SPECIAL STATEMENT BY THE PRIME MINISTER, HEAD OF GOVERNMENT. Ladies and Gentlemen, In December 2019, the coronavirus outbreak was declared in the Wuhan Province of the People’s Republic of China.  Over time, it gradually spread to Asia, Europe and Africa, resulting in the death or quarantine of several people. A few days ago, the World Health Organization announced that the coronavirus has gone from an epidemic to a pandemic, with over 170,000 cases in 146 countries, and about 6,500 deaths.  Cameroon, like many States in the world, is not spared by this pandemic. From the very first hours of its emergence, the Government implemented a prevention and response plan aimed at stemming the spread of this epidemic. To date, 10 people have been diagnosed with this virus in our country and are being treated by specialised services. It should be noted, however, that so far no local outbreaks of this epidemic have been recorded in Cameroon and the cases identified


By Amamboh Carrey-Pride in Bamenda . "It is not about publishing an information first,it is about publishing the right information" .  This statement was made by Pedmia Shatu Tita  guess speaker at a workshop  organized by  the student Union association of the Department of Communication and Development Studies CADS in the University of Bamenda  on march 12 2020.  Pedmia Shatu, a digital rights activist, lectured the students on the importance of fact checking and information verification before  publishing. She went ahead to make mention of sites such as Tineye, which can be used to fact check images. Photo credit:Mungwa Karen CADS During the workshop, Mokun Njouny Nelson, a renowned journalist in the North-West region, equally had a talk with the students on reporting for conflicts situation  for it is said as communication and development students, communication should  focus on building. And as such, it is important in every conflict report  or for every co