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Showing posts from November, 2019


Cameroonian health and emergency personnel are working to stem a cholera outbreak that has killed at least a dozen people and sickened at least 100 others in the Bakassi Peninsula that shares a maritime boundary with Nigeria. It is feared the outbreak will claim more lives in the coastal area, which lacks health infrastructure. Emergency medical workers, together with some civilians, are working to improve hygiene and sanitation by clearing dirt and debris from water beneath houses on the shores in the area. Among them is 31-year-old Cameroonian fisherman Lucas Emimo, who says he lost his younger sister to cholera. Emimo says he has joined the humanitarian workers because he fears many more people may die from the infectious disease that causes severe watery diarrhea, leading to dehydration and even death if untreated. “We lack toilets, potable water,” Emimo said. “There is no hospital. People defecate beside the sea, under the houses, everywhere and so it makes the pla


Mayor Toulale is said to have suffered a malaise before giving up the ghost. It is not known if the situation is the consequence of his party’s investiture committee denying the list he presented for the elections. The agronomist is said to have implanted himself on the political scene in his community, wielding a lot of influence. His admirers have since been fuming over his demise. The municipal authority’s collaborators described his demise as a great loss to the Manyo-Dale Council. The development comes amid widespread tension across the Northern regions over the selection of candidates for the twin elections within the CPDM. On November 21, two brothers, Maigari Robert and Maigari Bangawa, ended in a deadly clash at a restaurant in Ngaoundere following disagreement over the same investiture process. The Maigari brothers failed to arrive a consensus over whose name should have been added on the CPDM council list. Fellow party supporters and investiture delega

16days Activism against Gender-Based Violence day 4.

By Rose Obah. Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is a pervasive and global violation of human rights where this crime is often hidden because of the disgrace, dishonour, and shame perpetrated upon the victim. Women remain silent and decide not to report this crime because the perpetrator is often their domestic partner. Many women and girls who are raped are forced to leave home, because of the perceived shame for their families. Displaced, without support networks and with no access to protection or livelihoods, many are forced into prostitution. Now here are some beliefs that we need to stamp out: justifying violence against women based on the notion that it is legitimate for a man to use violence against a woman; excuse violence by attributing it to external factors such as stress or proposing that men cannot be held fully responsible for violent behaviour for example, because of anger or sexual urges and also trivialise the impact of violence, based on the view


By Stephen Ojang.  The prefectoral order No. 453/PO/E. 29/ALPAS and dated November 21 2019, bearing on delimiting security perimeters around the vicinity of the Bamenda university campus, Bambili in Tubah Subdivision, Mezam Division,  did not surprise anyone. This for the simple reason that, there have been repeated kidnappings and growing insecurity, within the university area, and Tubah Subdivision as a whole.  The Senior Divisional Officer for Mezam Division, Simon Emile Moon, through the above mentioned Prefectoral Order, has thus declared the university of  Bamenda university UBa and its environs, a no go area for both bikes and business persons. The Prefectoral order further calls on those doing businesses around to properly identify themselves or face the long arm of the law. The identification process also concerns the Staff and students of the university.  "Good evening fellow Students.  You are Hereby Informed to come to school tomorrow unf


Governors of the ten regions of Cameroon begin meeting today in Yaounde under for their bi-annual conference which runs from November 25-26. The conference that takes place at the Yaounde City Council Hall will be presided over by the Minister of Territorial Admnistration Paul Atanga Nji. The governors are expected to discuss the security situation in the country as well as the upcoming Municipal and Legislative elections scheduled to hold on February 9. The governors will discuss measures to be taken to ensure the electoral exercise goes on smoothly in their varous regionsand how they could help the elections-management body Elecam with administrative support.

Together We Can Stamp Out Violence Against Women.

By Rose Obah Every year, 25 November is the beginning of 16 days of global activism focusing on one essential issue: the persistence of violence against women and girls. The 1993 UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women defines it as “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women”, and includes threats to inflict such suffering. Violence against women and girls is a grave violation of human rights. Its impact ranges from immediate to long-term multiple physical, sexual and mental consequences for women and girls, including death. It negatively affects women’s general well-being and prevents women from fully participating in society. Violence not only has negative consequences for women but also their families, the community and the country at large. It has tremendous costs, from greater health care and legal expenses and losses in productivity, impacting national b


By Kayode Idowu in Maiduguri Borno State Governor, Professor Babagana Umara has deployed 150 Cameroonian vigilantes to flush out remnants of Boko Haram from his state. The newly-engaged Cameroonians are to collaborate with Nigerian hunters and vigilantes currently assisting the military in the ongoing battle against Boko Haram in parts of northern Borno. The Cameroonians, who are mainly from the Kesh-Kesh vigilante group, were presented with four surveillance vehicles and other fighting equipment on Saturday at a brief ceremony in Damasak, headquarters of Mobbar Local Government Area, on the fringes of the Lake Chad. Conducting the ceremony were Borno State commissioner for local governments and emirate affairs, Sugun Mai-Mele and a member of the Borno State House of Assembly, representing Mobbar State constituency, Usman Moruma and other officials of the State Government. The governor, who had expressed his willingness to fight insurgency in the Sta


14 year old Divina Maloum of Cameroon has been awarded the International Children’s Peace Prize this November 20, 2019 in the Netherlands. She received the prize on the occasion of Universal Children’s Day as recognition for an organization she created for kids rights for her fight against children engaging in extremism. In 2014 ,the 14 year old Divina Maloum created an association called Children for Peace  after her visit to Cameroon’s Northern boarders with Nigeria where Boko Haram terrorism has taken the lives of many most especially children. The situation motivated her to get engaged in fighting for children’s rights by working from one school to the other so as to stimulate the civic and voluntary engagement of Children in the fight against violent extremism to make them be peace builders in their communities and be change makers. Maloum’s multiple campaigns visiting schools and talking with her peers has been very impactful as it has dragged many young mi

CCMN: NW Journalists set to promote community development

Members doing a situational analysis of the Anglophone crisis Almost four years after the Anglophone crisis started in the NW/SW regions of Cameroon, the population is still anxious and on edge as they go about their daily lives. Community development now sounds like a dream as social facilities have been destroyed, agricultural activities disrupted and the health sector drained. Aim at promoting peace and community development, Cameroon Community Media Network (CCMN) provides a safe space for journalists to create platforms with special focus on the effects of the crisis on communities, so actors involved in the crisis can seek long lasting solutions. To achieve this, CCMN under the “peace and conflict transformation” project of the PCC, empowers media personalities in the NW through trainings to boost their communication skills so as to help deescalate the ongoing conflict and promote community development. Member getting ready for presentation Media houses h

Vigilante Groups Beckoned to Work with Administrative Authorities

By Ndefru Melanie The Governor of the Northwest Region, Adolphe Lele LAfrique,  chaired a Regional Coordination Security meeting on November 18th 2019, ahead of End of year activities and to ensure a successful implementation  of the electoral process. The Administrative and Security Authourities review the situation within the Economic, Social, Cultural  and Security domain, to confirm that there are still security challenges  in some hot spots of the region.  Inhabitants of the city could still get gunshots, people being killed and a timid atmosphere for some kids to return to school, and the Governor assures the population that there is a plan put in place to secure the Region during this end of year celebrations and upcoming municipal/Legislative elections.  "Elections Cameroon assured us of measures being taken being taken before elections, some will be addressed at the local level and other concerns sent to the hierachy" The Governor

NW Peace Caravan: Akwa Patrick Sets The Pace In Menchum Division

By Martial Gnoukapasi Peace has never been the absence of war but in a war or conflict situation peace will always provide room for people to reason. Talking to some persons from menchum division in the conflict stricken North West region of Cameroon, most shared the opinion that no country especially in Africa has ever resolve any internal conflict using guns and other weapons of war. It's their wish that, even if the peace caravan which constitutes the  peacebuilding mechanism of the state, coming weeks after the major national dialogue, does not resolve the crisis, it should at least appeal to the consciences of those antagonising any idea adopted towards a return to normalcy in the two restive regions of the country to understand that only in a calm and Serene atmosphere can we resolve this crisis. After the regional launch Nov 18th by Christian Cardinal Tumi, head of the program in the North West, those delegated to the different divisions


Time for change? The CFA franc is under fire over its link to France -- an association that critics say is a reminder of the colonial era that ended 60 years ago Leaders from six central African countries on Friday called for "in-depth thinking" on the CFA franc, whose future has come into question in West Africa. The extraordinary one-day meeting in Yaounde brought together leaders from Cameroon, Chad, the Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and the Republic of Congo. As members of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC), the nations jointly use the CFA franc, a currency rooted in the French colonial era in western and central Africa. The summit examined "monetary cooperation with France (and) decided to launch in-depth thinking on the conditions and framework of a new cooperation," an end-of-summit communique said. "In this context, they tasked the Bank of Central African States (BEAC) to propos


Reports say the transport agency, Buca Voyage has recorded a deadly accident around Edea, South region this Wednesday, leaving at least 10 persons dead. Scores of others wounded are being transferred to the nearest health institutions in that locality. Early reports indicate the 70-seater bus of Buca voyage was involved in a collision, but authorities of the agency are yet to comment on the incident. The Yaoundé-Douala highway lane has for years recorded many deaths as a result of road accidents, caused by drivers on high speed and unprofessional practices. The Ministry of Transport for the past months has been handing over sanctions to recalcitrant agencies and drivers but this doesn't seem to curb road accidents. However, some people blame the ministry for carrying out road safety campaigns during specific periods, giving enough breathing space for drivers plying the road. Most often companies sanctioned don't respect the others as they go back


BY MILDRED NDUM WUNG KUM The Northwest governor Adolph Lele Lafrique has said the security situation of the region would be stepped up for a serene festive and election period. He gave the assurance on 18th November 2019 after chairing a regional security meeting that brought together the Senior Divisional Officers and other security stakeholders of the region. "The situation of the Northwest region is under control despite the security challenges we are facing in some hotspots. We have drawn with the security services and the admistrative authorities a plan to not only secure the region ahead of the festive period but also to ease the implementation of the electoral process in the Northwest region" His Excellency Adolph Lele Lafrique said while granting an interview to pressmen after a close door security meeting. The northwest region is known for kidnappings, theft, manslaughter and vandalism. The vices are very common in the midst of a prevailing Socio politi


By Amamboh Carrey-Pride  His Eminence Cardinal Christian Tumi, has called on all persons in the Northwest region who will be leading the Major National Dialogue caravan in all divisions and sub divisions, to base their  various campaigns on a capital virtue called love. The call was made during  the lunching of  the major national dialogue caravan on  Saturday  16 November 2019 at  MINEPAT HALL in Bamenda. The meeting was chaired by His Eminence Cardinal Tumi who in his opening speech, made mention of the importance of preaching the message of   love, living in peace in our society and equally respecting the rights of every citizen. The meeting was also attended by the governor of the Northwest region, Tchoffo Deben Adolph Lélé Lafrique and delegations from the different divisions and sub divisions in the Northwest region who in the days ahead, have been assigned to hold campaigns as a means of bringing to an end, the current socio political crisis in the Northwest region. Thes


By Amamboh Carrey-Pride.  Studies have shown that 15% of women in Cameroon die from abortion and  12,000 women in the world die from unsafe abortion as stated by barrister Fonsoh during a training workshop for nurses, doctors and journalists,  organized  by the the Rural women center for Education and development, on the full extend  of abortion services provided by the national law and capacity building on the provision of non judgemental post abortion care. Barrister Fonsoh Germaine, a sexual and reproduction Health Rights Advocate and main facilatator, schooled the participants on the extend to which the law permits  abortion in Cameroon, stating that there are only two instances to which the law permits abortion. The first instance is if the pregnancy is a threat to the life of the mother and the second instance is  if the pregnancy was gotten as a result of a rape case and is only allowed after a series of legal and medical procedures to prove  that it is a rape case.Duri

Boy's Brigade Goes Operational in Bamenda

Young Persons in Bamenda have been called to be christened and disciplined through the Boy's brigade company, settled and started in the Christian Baptist Church CBC. This Company as it goes by the name is a mustard seed,started in Cameroon in 1957 registered and recognized by the Administration, with an objective to lead young persons to know and love Jesus.      National Cordinator for The Boy's Brigade,Pastor Gwe Brain Ringnyu "it is a basic unit which doesn't go by a church name but a company name,with reference to the city where it is based and it's age or period of existence"  The National Coordinator said. The Boy's Brigade will be matriculating itself after fixing and putting in place a firm constitution. "It is a discipline opening its doors to all Churches of different denominations, to lead all boys and girls to Christ,to know and Love Christ, promoting the habit of Obedience, discipline,se

SECURITY: Interior Minister Atanga Nji Paul Forbids Bike Riders From Carrying More than One Person In The NWR

By Martial Gnoukapasi in Bamenda Interior minister Atanga Nji facing the press after meeting At the security evaluation meeting of thursday November 7th at the governors office, which came a day after what minister Atanga Nji Paul termed  " a successful celebration of the 37th anniversary of president Paul Biya's ascension to the office of supreme magistracy in Cameroon",  the interior boss, was also very Frank and categorical on the decision which will require commercial bike riders in Bamenda city and beyond to carry in the days ahead, not more than one person at a go on their bikes.  Flanked by North West governor adolph Lele L'afrique, SDO's, other administrative and security bigwigs of the region, the minister after listening to security reports presented by the aforementioned said, it was  time to implement the decision, giving that the 9 plus extra 3 months of grace required by the bike riders syndicate to install sanity

About 2000 IDPs Recieve Humanitarian Aid in Bamenda

By Ndefru Melanie in Bamenda                                                           IDPs receiving Aid, in Bamenda Internally displaced persons in Bamenda, have received Humanitarian assistance from Government, on Thursday 24th October 2019. The Action plan put in place by the Head of State has benefitted over more than 10,000 people affected by the Ongoing armed conflict in the North West and South West Regions. This distribution facilitated by the Ministry of Territorial Administration, through it's distribution team, endeavour to work with the Cordination centre in the NotthWest and to ensure that every Familly registered,recieve accordingly without recipients repeatedly getting aid at every distribution eexercise. The Newly appointed Senior Divisional Officer for Mezam, Simon Emile Mooh, presides over the handing of humanitarian aid to these Displaced persons, few days after his installation in Bamenda. And tells recipients that they shoul

Andek Council's Displaced Mayor Helps Ngie IDPs in Bamenda

By Fongoh P. Ayeah in Mbengwi   "Let all the soldiers be withdrawn and sent to their baracks, only then shall we go back to Ngie" This was the strong message passed across by Internally Displaced Persons of Ngie Sub Division of Momo Division resident in the North West regional capital of Bamenda. They made the request on Friday November 8th 2019 at the Presbyterian Youth Centre Azire where the mayor of the Andek Council,  Madam Atienjo Bridget epse Ija rallied them for a food and basic needs donation exercise.  Andek Council Mayor Atienjoh Bridget epse Ija When the ongoing Anglophone crisis escalated in Ngie, the population flew for safety. While others escaped deeper into the interior villages from Andek, the Sub Divisional chief town where fierce gun battles used to take place,  hundreds of others had to trek to Mbengwi, the Momo divisional headquarters covering a distance of over 50km from where they then used their last available financ