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Showing posts from October, 2019

42 killed a landslide in Bafoussam

By Stephen Ojang with info courtesy CRTV and Newspapers.  At least 42 people were killed after their houses were swept away Tuesday in a landslide caused by torrential rain in the western Cameroon city of Bafoussam, state media reported, showing images of rescuers desperately sifting through rubble for survivors. "Searches are ongoing. We fear there are further deaths," a senior local official told AFP on condition of anonymity as nightfall neared. A total of 42 bodies were taken to the hospital in the  city , according to an official statement read on Cameroon Radio Television ( CRTV ). Media reports had earlier spoken of about 30 dead, with the radio reporting that four pregnant women were among the victims. Pictures of the tragedy in Bafouassam posted on social media showed ramshackle houses having crumbled into the ochre-coloured terrain and men clad in hard hats digging away at piles of mud in the search for survivors. "The houses that collapsed

Decentralisation: Orientations for preparation of 2020 budget spelled out .

 By Stephen Ojang The Minister of Decentralisation and Local Development, Georges Elanga Obam has issued a circular on directives for the preparation and execution of the 2020 budget of councils. The circular that was signed on 24 th October 2019 is addressed to Government Delegates to City Councils, Mayors and Presidents of council syndicates. The 45 points document highlights orientation that are contained in the 24 th July 2019 budgetary policy signed by the President of the Republic for the period is expected to be in conformity with the transparency and good governance code for the management of public finances and public entities as well as the financial regime of decentralised territorial communities. The Minister noted that the preparation of the council budgets should be anchored on the operational strategy of the Economic, social and cultural development policy of the nation with focus on the deepening of the decentralisation processes in a bid to promot


By Stephen Ojang. A CROSS SECTION OF THE HALL The socio-political stalemate that has paralysed the Northwest and Southwest Regions of Cameroon, has left indelible scars on the youths, young girls and older persons. Lonely, unhappy, anxious, depressed, abused,exploited, socially isolated as a result of the loss,death or forceful migration of their children, the older persons have been unable to fend for themselves.  These recurrent negative trends in our communities, necessitated the creation of the Community Impact for Africa, CIfA, with the vision and mission to build resilient communities free from all forms of violence and human rights abuses, as well as to create a safe space for socially vulnerable persons, for sustainable health care, development and livelihood for all Africans.  Older Persons during celebration of their day. The creation of the Community Impact for Africa CIfA, is a push factor for the much heralded youth empowerment, especially

Health Benefits Of Palm Wine.

Palm wine might be known as a local alcoholic drink which has a sweet taste when freshly tapped and it is enjoyed by as many that loved it either when sweet or sour, thus refreshing them all the time but it is really more than that!. In as much as it does all of the above, most people still fail to understand that palm wine contains rich nutrients which provide the body with lots of amazing benefits which are discussed below. Here are surprising health benefits of Palm wine you may not know 1. Improves Eye Vision This is one of the primary functions of palm wine which many people are aware of but may not really know what nutrients actually does the work. The presence of the vitamins in palm wine such as vitamin C and B’s have a vital role which they play in improving eye vision. While vitamin C helps in building the connective tissues of the body and the blood vessels of the eye preventing related eye problems like cataracts, macular degeneration etc.,

Ekema Patrick Esunge, Mayor of Buea drops dead at 43.

  By Atia Azohnwi The death has been announced of the Mayor of Buea, Ekema Patrick Esunge. Ekema is said to have succumbed to the cold hands of death at Polyclinique IDIMED, Rue Koloko – Bonapriso in Douala after a malaise. It is believed that the lion-hearted Mayor of Buea suffered from a heart attack Sunday morning although rumours suggest he might have been poisoned Saturday night. Born September 26, 1976, Ekema shot to prominence when he welcomed President Paul Biya in Buea in February 2014 during celebrations of the country’s independence and reunification. He was elected councillor of the Buea Council during the 2007 twin elections. He would later become first deputy mayor until a feud between him and the then Mayor, kept him away from Council business. When Mayor Mbella Moki Charles was elected into the pioneer Senate legislature in April 2013, Ekema Patrick Esunge resurfaced to claim the mayoral seat. He was then installed on Monday 27 May, 2013, at the Bu

Journalists in bamenda trained on the culture of tolerance.

By Thomas mokum some 30 press men and woman drawn from some radio station, news paper representatives, Tv stations and bloggers, took part in a one day workshop that held at the Catholic university of bamenda campus CATUC. These men and women of the press, were schooled on the culture of tolerance, the spirit of positivity and non violence. organised by the community initiative for sustainable development (COMINSUD), this training was aimed at building the culture of tolerance to those in the northwest and southwest regions who are their fans , readers and viewers this because after the out break of the socio political crisis rocking these two regions that broke out in 2016, there has been a lot of cultural intolerance. The cultural consequences of this 3 and counting years crisis in the two English speaking regions, are wide including distrust of other cultures ,anger ,frustration,drug addiction, increase in crimes against some cultural practices like the recent coronat

Cameroon-France: 30 billion FCFA for development and security

The French Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Jean Yves Le Drian has come to the end of his 48 hours official visit to Cameroon. Development and security took centre stage this Thursday, 24th October as the visiting Minister traveled to Douala in the Littoral and Maroua in the far North region of Cameroon. He announce the allocation of 30 billion CFA francs to support development and security in Cameroon Le Drian in Maroua During his stay in the Far North Region, the French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs reaffirmed his country’s commitment to support Cameroon’s development drive and fight against insecurity. “We are on your side in the fight against terrorism, it is also the fight for the security of France,” he said during meeting with the authorities of the region led by the Governor. He also had first hand view of the efforts made in the fight against Boko Haram and the improvement of the economic situation of the North part of Cameroon that is re

Doing Business 2020: le Cameroun marque la zone CEMAC

La 17e édition du rapport publié le 24 octobre par 2019 par la Banque mondiale, concernant 190 économies. Ce Doing Business 2020 fait du Cameroun le leader de la CEMAC en matière de facilités des affaires. Ce rapport de la Banque mondiale renseigne que 115 pays ont mis en œuvre des réformes pour améliorer le climat des affaires. Parmi eux, il y a le Cameroun. Il perd certes une place par rapport à l’édition précédente. Il occupe ainsi la 167e position, devant le Bangladesh et derrière le Burundi. En effet, le pays a obtenu une note de 46,1 sur 100 points possibles. Sur le principe, la Banque mondiale  note que l’État camerounais a amélioré un seul indicateur sur 10. Il s’agit de l’accès aux informations sur le crédit. En zone CEMAC… Le Cameroun surclasse le Gabon (169e avec une note de 45 sur 100), la Guinée Équatoriale (178e avec une note de 41,1 sur 100), le Congo (180e avec une note 39,5 sur 100), le Tchad (182e avec une note sur 36,9 sur 100), la Cen

Lawyers' Robe: rules governing usage highlighted by Cameroon Bar Association

The President of the Cameroon Bar Association, Barrister Tchakoute Patie Charles, has reminded lawyers in Cameroon to use their robes with dignity in line with the canons of the profession. In a statement issued on 18th October 2019, he strongly condemned the attitude of his colleagues who visited the leader of the Cameroon Renaissance Movement CRM in their robes. To him the visit in their robes to the political Leader, who was recently released from prison by presidential decision, raises a lot of controversy and reactions. Social networks carried a photo of some 20 lawyers in black court robes in the private home of the presidential candidate 2018, Pr. Maurice Kamto. In a response to the comments   the spokesman of Maurice Kamto, posted on Facebook on 18th October 2019, that the group of lawyers are those ensuring his defence, that of his allies. Tchakoute Patie Charles lamented the publication of the “souvenir photo in black robes” stating that, The Cameroon

Basketball : Cameroonian Pascal Siakam carry’s Toronto Raptors to victory in thrilling opener

Cameroon’s International Basketball champion, Pascal Siakam has put up an awfully impressive performance in the season’s debut to help his team Raptors, beat New Orleans Pelicans, 130-122. Pascal Siakam, the 2018/2019 Most Valuable Player of the NBA scored 34 points, 18 rebounds, 5 assists, and 1 block, across 38 minutes in the Raptors’ win over the Pelicans on Tuesday October 22, 2019. Toronto Raptors outscored the Pelicans by 18 points in the 44th minutes. Many basketball lovers see him as the new sheriff in town for the Raptors, as Siakam exerted his dominance in the season-opener with the Pelicans. After last year’s breakout, the Cameroonian NBA star seems poised to take another step forward this season. Pascal Siakam delivers an All-Star performance. VanVleet was not alone in filling up the box score, he was with Cameroonian MVP Star, Pascal

National Breastfeeding Week: Debunking myths, setting the records straight

Age-old myths have influenced the breastfeeding practice for many decades, cutting across generations and continents. Each generation of women believe in the same myths, but medical doctors and reproductive health experts say most of these myths are not scientifically proven . Every nursing mother knows a handful of dos and don’ts, when it comes to breastfeeding, but do they have a medical backing? Nursing mums always have people dishing out advice on breastfeeding options, but this rather strengthens their  beliefs in   myths. Some of the common myths are; # Nursing hurts the nipples # Breasts sag after nursing # Exercise gets milk sour # Small breasts can’t produce enough milk # stop breastfeeding when you fall pregnant # Milk turns sour if you skip a day The myths surrounding breastfeeding are myriad, but what do the experts say? Breastfeeding Myths :What the experts say One of the most common myths women have come to accept is that breastfeeding causes

National Breastfeeding Week: Nursing mums’ struggles with Exclusive Breastfeeding

breastfeeding-challenge The World Health Organization recommends that mums exclusively breastfeed their babies for six months , but this is far-fetched dream for many mums. Babies are required to be given only breastmilk for six months , with no other liquid or solid foods added till after the stipulated time. But over the years, women have advanced many reasons why exclusive breastfeeding is simply impossible. Most of such women compliment breast milk with other foods especially artificial milk, way earlier than is required. As a result, Cameroon’s exclusive breastfeeding rate is currently 40%. WHO officials say the progress is fairly promising, but hope the country will achieve the 50% target in the next 6 years. Exclusive breastfeeding: Experts tell their own story A good number of women over the world have come to accept that exclusive breastfeeding is the most healthy nutritional choice for their babies however, not every mum is ready to take the challeng

A Befitting Farewell for a Hero and Leader – Ben Muna

On the 25th of October 2019, Cameroonians in Maryland USA will be giving a BEFITTING FAREWELL to a father, hero, leader, National and international Icon, a man with a heart of Gold, Barrister Bernard A. Muna, at Vikings Center 15212 Dino Dr, Burtonsville, MD 20866. The memorial service will be attended by sympathizers all over the US.   Message from the “Now Movement“ Come and let’s tell him Thank you Papa Thank you our Hero Thank you for all you deeds for mankind and the Anglophone struggle. He has left a void in our hearts. Only God knows best. Continue to rest in peace Barrister Ben Muna. We love you. Bernard Muna born on the 27 May 1940, died of a brief illness on 6th October 2019, at the General Hospital of Yaounde. He was a Cameroonian lawyer, magistrate and politician. He served as Deputy Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda from 1997 to 2002. He was a candidate for the 2011 Presidential elections in Cameroon. Bernard Muna

“Digital Security and Secured Communication, essential tools for Journalist in the Digital Age”, Noutcha Prudence, Senior Program Director at NewSeta

By Pedmia Shatu Tita At the on-going National Training of Cameroonian Journalists taking place in Yaounde, journalists have been reminded of the need for digital security and Secured Communication in a digital Age. This was done by Prudence Noutcha, the Senior Programs Direct of the Network for Solidarity, Empowerment and Transformation for all. In a very participatory session, Prudence engaged participants in their daily activities using their digital gadgets such as phones, Ipads, laptops, desktops etc. Most of the participants answered in the affirmative when the issues of passwords on phones and machines as well as documents were raised. Madame Prudence reiterated that there is need as journalist to secure information since they deal with very delicate information which if exposed may lead to harm on the journalist in question and even loss of integrity. Considering that journalists use a variety of online accounts and these hold both personal and work-related