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By Stephen Ojang.
The socio-political stalemate that has paralysed the Northwest and Southwest Regions of Cameroon, has left indelible scars on the youths, young girls and older persons.

Lonely, unhappy, anxious, depressed, abused,exploited, socially isolated as a result of the loss,death or forceful migration of their children, the older persons have been unable to fend for themselves. 

These recurrent negative trends in our communities, necessitated the creation of the Community Impact for Africa, CIfA, with the vision and mission to build resilient communities free from all forms of violence and human rights abuses, as well as to create a safe space for socially vulnerable persons, for sustainable health care, development and livelihood for all Africans. 
Older Persons during celebration of their day.
The creation of the Community Impact for Africa CIfA, is a push factor for the much heralded youth empowerment, especially teenage mothers and young widows in sustainable livelihood activities. 

Community Impact for Africa-CIfA is also poised to promote health care development amongst the elderly, female folks and other vulnerable groups. 

This association also intends to promote diversity of culture  and enhance indigenous languages and cultural groups. 

The Community Impact for Africa-CIfA, has a great dream. That of bringing her own contribution, to the fight against all forms of violence, while promoting peace building, human rights, gender equality and disability inclusion.
Madam Nemkul Frida, Co-Founder of CIFA
CIfA's vision, mission and objectives, are enshrined in domains of intervention;
1-Youth empowerment and mentorship.

2-Dream life for the aged. 

3-Sustainable initiative for development.

4-Impact Her Africa

For this lofty dream of CIfA to be achieved, the creation, functioning and sustainability reside in dignity and respect, innovation, dynamic leadership and volunteerism, which are her core values. 

CIfA is waxing strong thanks to united efforts by members and volunteers shown by their commitement, hardwork, determination and passion in assisting older persons and youths in general. Being a self motivated team and above all, a very young, dynamic and energetic team, CIfA is ready to bridge the gap between all ages thereby ensuring  an inclusive society.
Ngwanwi Lidwina Munting, CEO/President
These strengths do not in anyway rule out the challenges awaiting this young and promising association. It is often said "life is not a bed of roses." And even if it were, roses do have thorns. These thorns represent the difficulties one has to face if one really wants to savour the fragrance of the rose flower. 

CIfA is not unconnected to the anecdote. Essentially made up of young women and men, so many people find it absolutely difficult to trust them, while others settle on testing their worth and authenticity, reasons why, the numerous projects of the vision bearer and partner, are self sponsored, since they don't have funders. This lack of funding bodies, does not only pose as a challenge, but as a veritable go slow to their work since the necessary means are not available. 
CIfA joined other associations nation and worldwide to celebrate this year's International Day of Older Persons.
The participation of CIfA in this year's International day of  Older Persons, was articulated around educative trainings on  topical issues ranging from Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD), the Role of the Aged in Peace Building and the Role of the Aged in Conflict Mediation. 

During this year's celebration of the International Day of  Older Persons, under the theme "The Journey to Age Equality", CIfA acknowledged and recognized some 17 older persons who received her during her outreach activities as well as those aged persons still contributing significantly to community development  through the CIfA award.

Founder and Co-Founder watching the older persons celebrating their day.
Before the D-day, a lot of activities were carried out with the most remarkable, being sensitization in Nkwen Baptist Church and radio shows in CBS, CBC and Ndefcam to create awareness and sensitize the public on the importance of caring for those who once cared for us.
During one of the Radio shows at Ndefcam Radio Bamenda
During one of the Radio shows at Ndefcam Radio Bamenda


Unknown said…
Wow Sir Community Impact for Africa-CIfA applauds your efforts and sincerely says thank you
We want to thank you for your appreciation team CIFA.
Unknown said…
To God be glory for this wonderful initiative. May God bless CIFA and the media men.

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