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National Dialogue: A venerated Roman Catholic church leader chairs Commission No. 4

One of the most venerated Roman Catholic Church leaders, Christian Wiyghan Tumi is chair of the Commission to reflect on “Assistance to Returning Refugees and Displaced Persons”.
The Man of God is surrounded by former Presidential candidate, Cabral Libii and Elvis Ngolle Ngolle. In the same Commission are also the Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralisation, Paul Atanga Nji and three government Ministers of Health, Social Affairs and Labour as Resource persons.

As discussions progress at the Yaounde conference centre, His Eminence expresses a high sense of prudence.
“There is someone who said in my commission that for this country to go on, there should be a coup d’etat” the Cardinal giggles and adds “Nobody was expecting that”.
“People should speak the truth before leaving this world”. the man of God who has been very keen on the need for honesty stated.
During the past days, the Cardinal Tumi led commission has been reflecting on;
#Projects to rebuild burnt down structures and villages
#Means of sustaining the returnees who are IDPs and refugees
#The psycho-social treatment of victims
To the Cardinal, some of the young men who have laid down their arms need psychological assistance.
“Those who have been handicapped for life should be helped for life” says Christian Cardinal Tumi.
In general, His Eminence has portrayed openness during the debates.
“Every idea should be put on the table, that’s why we are here” the Cardinal insisted

Knowing Christian Cardinal Tumi

Christian Cardinal Tumi was born on 15th October 1930 in Kikaikelaki a village in Kumbo, North West Region of Cameroon.
He is a retired Cardinal and the Archbishop Emeritus of Douala
In his early days, the Man of God studied at local seminaries in Cameroon and Nigeria.He also trained as a teacher in Nigeria and later London.
Christian Cardinal Tumi travelled to Lyon in France and earned a licentiate in theology. From France the Man of God moved to the University of Fribourg, Switzerland where acquired a doctorate in philosophy.
Back in Cameroon, he was ordained a priest on 17th April 1966. He served as a vicar in Soppo for a year before becoming a professor at Bishop Rogan College’s seminary.
From 1969 to 1973 the Reverend Father went back for studies abroad, and upon his arrival he was named rector of the Bambui seminary.
He was succeeded as archbishop of Douala by Samuel Kleda, who had been Coadjutor Archbishop.


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